Chapter 22

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DUTCH NOW (i'm dutch btw :P)

Hallo, hoe gaat het? Ik ben goed, dank je. Jullie wilden Brent's P.O.V. hebben, zo ik heb een hele hoofdstuk hierover geschreven! GENIETEN MENSEN :D

Translation: Hello, how are you? I'm good, thank you. You guys wanted Brent's P.O.V., so I wrote a whole chapter about it! ENJOY PEOPLE :D

So, so far I've done german, french and dutch - and that's all my languages people, sorry :P I could always use google translate... but that isn't very reliable :P

Did you see the groups on facebook where they tell you to type in something and then change it and then change it back? Yeah, those are HILARIOUS :D

Did you see the one about Justin Bieber? (no offense to jb fans :)) You have to type in: Will Justin Bieber ever reach puberty and then translate it into this language (I forgot) and then back. You get: Justin Bieber will never reach puberty :D LOL!

Okay, you guys probably are skipping this or really don't want to read this, but either way:



Brent P.O.V.

"Get out of the way!"

I watched from atop of the stairs as Kane and Rosie carried Liza inside. Kane held her from under her arms and Rosie held her feet, so the unconscious girl swayed slightly beneath them.

"Stop gawping and get the nurse, you idiot!" Kane shouted at one of the students in the crowd that was beginning to form around the scene. People piled out of classrooms, eager to see what all of the commotion was about. The victim of Kane's anger ran away, a terrified look on his face.

Yep, it was true that Kane could be scary when he wanted to be.

I crossed my arms and leant against the banister. I felt my natural smirk form on my face again, watching the pitiful scene beneath me. I had really missed feeling so powerful and so much stronger and better than all those weaklings. Being infatuated with Liza had done me no good at all.

Thank god that was over.

Kane was kneeling by her Liza, trying to wake her. Even Rosie was next to her, a worried look on her face. Guess there was something about Liza that brought their softer emotions out of them, whether they wanted it or not. She was just so good.

It was disgusting.

Most of the school was crowded around the three people now, all trying to get a better look. I would bet that most of them just wanted an excuse to get out of the classroom. I would too. They formed a circle, all pressing together and whispering to each other. They pushed against each other, fighting for the best views.

It didn't affect me, because I still had a clear view from my vantage point.

Most people hadn't even noticed I was here yet.

I watched as a black-haired girl and Wes shoved their way through the crowd. Wes fell to his knees next to her, his eyes wide in horror. The girl looked like she was going to burst into tears at any second, and fluttered around uselessly.

How pathetic.

"What happened?" I heard Wes whisper to Kane. Wait, how had I just heard that? My senses shouldn't be any better than usually. I shook away the thought as I focused on what they were saying.

"I don't know." Kane said, shaking his head. "She was with Brent, but then I saw Brent walking away, so I went to go look for her. And then I found her like this." He gestured helplessly towards her limp body, his eyes desolate.

Tame My Heart... Or ElseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora