6. || 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 pt.1💚 ||

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The entire time I was flying I only thought about him.....Todoroki(I finally got his name)I couldn't get him out of my head his words just kept replaying in my head"your wings are beautiful,just like you"*sigh*does he really think im beautiful?we just met and yet I keep getting this feeling in my stamoch like fluttering in my stamoch what is this feeling and why do I always get it when I think about him,anyways I gotta get my mind of him,I need someplace to relax just then some birds flew with me and were chirping I sang with them but then
they flew away

I love animals I don't know why and for some reasons animals love me more than I do them I can not count how many times I've run into a wild animal and when it saw me it become friendly but I probably love them because of my nature quirk...nature...that's it I must go to s forest being in nature always calms me down

-time skip to a few hours-

Ugh I've been flying forever does this city not have a forest here?!?just I saw a forest,💭finally💭i thought and then landed there I walked the trees for a while then I found flower field and I layed there as I later I could feel my earth getting stronger the sound of silence is like music to my ears then as I was enjoying the sweet sound of silence I heard sometjing weird RAWRR someone or something said then before I could think I saw a monster covered in vines and leaves coming towards me and I knew what I had to do I got on the ground and said"plants,flowers,trees if you can hear me please help me get rid on this monster"and then the monster disappeared and just as I thought it was over two more monsters appeared and I did the same thing as before but then four more appeared💭clearly trying to get rid of these guys isn't working since they keep multiplying....what if I just hit it head on💭"y/n,earth element"I said and transformed into my earth dress:

And I started casting spells at them but everytime I heat them they just kept multiplying until there was like 60 of them"ugh I'm getting really tired of this"💭mhm maybe I should use my secret move💭"I call upon the ancient power of the earth

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And I started casting spells at them but everytime I heat them they just kept multiplying until there was like 60 of them"ugh I'm getting really tired of this"💭mhm maybe I should use my secret move💭"I call upon the ancient power of the earth...NATURE WAVE"I said as a wave of nature energy when though the monsters causing them to dispear,then I de -transformed and feel to the ground...
To be continued...

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