Perfectly Normal IKEA

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"Today is September 4th, 2017; my name is Doctor (REDACTED) and this is the audio recording over SCP-3008. SCP-3008 is an IKEA furniture store located in Stockholm, Sweden. It appears to be the normal dimensions from the outside. Though, in the inside; it is an never ending, infinite rows of furniture and usually the appliances that IKEA offers in regular stores. There is yet no information on how this is possible or the reason of this anomaly to come to be. From research from our drones that have entered the building, it seems to be that there is actual settlements made by humans in the IKEA. This shows that people have walked into here and have vanished into thin air with no trace on how and where. There was very little disappearance cases which seemed odd since there was clearly over 100 people in SCP-3008.
The building and land was bought from the IKEA Furniture company and is now owned by SCP FOUNDATION.

Incident 3008-2
At 17:24 on (REDACTED)/(REDACTED)/20**
SCP Personnel and Researchers sent in a Class C inmate into SCP-3008 for further research and experiments. A Go-Pro was attached to his chest to see everything he sees and to hear everything he hears. He would be inside SCP-3008 for 3 days with zero knowledge of what the anomaly is or how it functions.

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