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Martin rolls up next to 5 the both of you

Martin: princesa!

You: could any of you whores get my name through your fat bald heads

Martin: Valencia? Valencia!

You: no

Martin: ooooooo you got a boyfriendddd

You: oooooooo mind yo fuckin businessssss

Martin: both of you in. Now.

You: no

Martin: or spooky could come pick you up

You: I like him more. He's cooler

Martin: get in the goddamn car.

You: whyyyyy

Martin: ale said "get my sister and gianny because im dragging them to the Santos party right fucking now you little shit"

Gianny: damn.

Martin: sooooo like I fucking said puta! Get in the car. Pretty fucking please.

You: fine

You get in the car and sit on giannys lap in the front seat

Martin: and if you gon talk to me get my name right, its mar-TEEN not mar-TIN

You: I don't- CARE I don't give a shit if the I has that white people version of a tilde over it its spelled Martin so ima call you Martin

Martin: so I can call you-

You: you have to know my name to play the fucking game stupid

Martin: die

You: no you

Gianny: how about you shut up.

Martin: silence you fucking minors

You: its only funny when ale does it. You're 22 you've been grown too long for it to still be funny

He flips you as he pulls up to spooky's house and you go inside


Spooky: WHAT

You: can I have a hug

Spooky: if you want a hug then come over here i aint getting up for you. We not that cool.

You stand there staring at him until he gets up and gives you a hug

You: you smell like ass

Spooky: its called fucking bitches all day.

You: ugh take a shower at least don't nobody wanna smell they're pussy juices you freaky bitch

Spooky: nah you gotta say it right BYYYATCH

yoh: go fhcking shower then BYYYATCH

Spooky: name me

You stand there glaring at him andnhe sticks his tongue out at you

You slap the back of his head until he runs into the bathroom

Spooky: fuck you

You: you're such a baby.

Spooky: go away I was told to shower you creep

You walk away from the bathroom door and sit on the couch with gianny

You: hi

Gianny: hey


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