Interlude-Art and reunions

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-longer chapter



I was walking when I walked in someone I looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. 'He has Blue eyes maybe bluer than that knuckleheads.' I ponder

"...hey are you even listening!" a voice shouted breaking me from my thoughts

"oh! Gomen. I was lost in my thoughts I guess." I apologized with a light chuckle lightly rubbing my neck.

"Aren't you bit young to travel alone by yourself? un." he pointed out

"I guess. But I'm stronger than I look." I state

"Is that so?"

"yeah. can I ask "why you are out here?" I asked

"Just perfecting my art" he replied

"perfecting your art" I repeated

"yeah, do you know what art is, un?"

"well I guess its different in everyone eye, like they say the eye of the beholder, right. So whatever you think, I'll like it regardless but if you like it then that's all that matters, right." I state

"no one never complimented my art like that un." he muttered with a slight embarrassed blush

"Well I'm not like those others, am I." I simply said with a shrug, smiling happily

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"so your from Iwa, I can tell by your headband"

"yeah. where might you be from, un. You don't have a headband so my guess is that your just an ordinary civilian, right un."

"well that doesn't mean I have no way to defend myself" I half lied swiftly in a 'matter o fact' tone

He clicked his tongue in acknowledgement. "Hey anyways watch this" he said as he dug his hand mouths(?) into his pouches and pulled out some clay then formed it into a small bird

"awe that's so adorable I commented. Then suddenly he threw it up in the air and made some hand signs and it exploded. "Aw, shame, it was pretty cool" I half frowned tilting my head fake pouting

>=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< 1 HOUR LATER •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=• >=< •=•

"Deidra there you are you know I hate to be kept waiting" a gruff voice complained

"what is that" I exclaimed pointing at the man scorpion thing

"'That' is a kid" the blonde now known as Deidra condescendingly retorts

'What the heck is that its bit intimidating' I hide behind the blonds leg 'Why am I this scared? They must think I'm weak'

"danna your scaring the kid"

"I don't care" he simply said "We spent enough time here, lets go" he order

the blonde, Deidra sighed "sorry kid it seems like dana is getting bit impatient, bye. Its nice to meet someone who appreciates my art un" he said

"that shouldn't even be called art"

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'that's bit harsh isn't it' I thought to myself with a tilt of my head

"What did you say" Deidrea exclaimed

"yeah, stop brainwashing the kid. you don't know true art if it hit you" he retorted back

They started to argue about what kind of art is better as I got a bag of popcorn and started to eat it while they were going at each other.

"......What do you think brat (kid)" they asked at the same time

"the names Rei" I officially introduce myself "-and I think there both great. Like fireworks, they last a second before disappearing ,or like a picture it can last forever unless its destroyed...."

"see I'm right" Deidera exclaimed

"brat she gave general examples" the scorpion man(?) retaliated 'should I be scared? To be honest I'm just confused at the moment' I thought with a small sweat drop

"-Or it could be both, like a simple song it would last only a few minutes before it ends but if you replay it and it could last forever-Or as long as you wish" I added

"there you have your answer" the gruff voice said

"I guess. That settles it un."

'they're instructing for sure'

+++++++++TIME SKIP++++++++

"Hey, Yuki can you fetch these items for me" I said to the snow white ferret summon as it ran off to fetch some edible berries for myself. I then went hunting for some for something small like a rabbit.

I came across a blue blur, I got out my bow and shot a few arrows I then heard a human like wail 'Opps was that a bad' I clicked my tongue in slight awkwardness.

I then felt a presence behind me, dodging out of the way just in time as a giant sword was about to slam down. I looked back to only see a blue fish man(?)...'WAIT I know where I saw this guy! He was with Nii-san who was trying to take the stupid blonde knucklehead a while back' I remembered, getting back to reality I dodged out of another line of attack, taking out my own blades and started to engage in a scuffle with him. 'I got to admit... he's good' I smirked

as our swords were about to clash once more until one of the last people I would like to see A.K.A Itachi, appeared and deflected our blow, sending our swords flying.

"Hey, Itachi what was that for" I think Kisame complained "It was just getting interesting" he grinned, showing his shark-like teeth

"What are you doing kisame?" he asked monotoned

"well I was fighting this squirt here. they attacked me." he explained "I got the arrow to prove it" he said turning around and shown the arrow between his shoulder blades just missing his vital area. "see"

I smirk at my accomplishment.'Well its not my fault he looks like a walking fish' I chuckled, crossing my arms over my chest

"OWW! That hurt" the blue skinned man said rubbing his tender shoulder blade

"the arrow seemed to be bit deep but not fatal" Itachi explained pulling out the arrow

'mmm, shark fin stew'

"why is the squirt looking at me like that" the fish man questions bit uncomfortably

'hmm, must be really hungry if I'm fantasizing over food.' I blink a few times as I came back to reality putting my fingers to the side of my mouth wiping off some drool I had. 'ew'

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