as I walked down the aisle I cried at the other side was someone who I had hoped would be my forever. My white dress was made of a soft silk material. I walked slowly staring into the eyes of my beloved tears streaming down my face as we both cheesed wildly at each other i couldn't wait to be in his arms. this was the dream...
or it couldve been.
instead i was walking towards my love who was dead in a casket. wearing white to his funeral because it was what he'd wanted. this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. we were going to have kids grow old together and die together. but instead i was sobbing over an open casket. screaming out his name. praying hat i was dreaming and i'd wake up and he'd kiss me and tell me its alright. I hate it I hate it I HATE IT. I wanted to scream louder. hit something. I HATE EVERYTHING!
so this is my suicide letter farewell to the world. but as for now i will be with my love and we'l dance on fields of wildflowers and look down on you and send blessings.
I'll miss you, See you In forevertown.
hey guys i wrote this but i also want to be sure to ask anyone out there how are you feeling we've all lost so may people to covid and i want to be sure that my followers are happy if you're thinking of committing suicide please get help for it and if you ever feel bad my instagram is @bxbykc dm me and we can talk about it... love ya'lll<3333

if life were a movie (a series of short stories)
Randomyou are the main character think it dream it believe it you own your story.