(still your prov)
Sam: sup shit face
you: ...
Your not afrade of him as he look's like a stick to you and you coud tellaport out of the sitchuwashon, i mean you did also do a little bit of Karoti (IDK hot to spell AAAAaaaAaAaaA)
Sam: it's ok if your intimdated by me~
You: no
Sam: but to get to the point.... i need lunch money, so y/n just hand it over and no one get's hurt.
Today is the day, your not going to let enyone push you around ennymore. He's going to remember the day a girl one a fghit over him!
Sam: so what do you say pipskweek?
you: no, get your own money. and if your mom work's at the school you can get food for free. and therd of all your not going to spend it on real food and bro i don't even want to give you the money, your not some homelles dude on the street who's desprit for food.
He therw a punch, you oveosly just tellaport away. as soon and you tellaport away you say " bro i'm behind you"
As he turns around you got ready to punch him in the face so hard he mghit die. but just as you got ready to punch him....

ups and the downs ( selever X reader)
FanfictionFNF dose not belong to me this is only a fan fik :)