01. breaking news

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Maya is sitting on the railing of the porch drawing the waves crashing into the beach. She watched as her sister and Brady were surfing like they always do. If they weren't doing that then they would be watching Brady's favorite movie Wet Side Story. Mac wasn't the biggest fan of it but she watched it for Brady.

Anything Mac did was for Brady. They had some things in common but not as much as him and Maya do. At least that's what Maya thinks.

On the other hand Maya loved the movie and watched it with her grandfather almost every week. It's something Maya and her grandfather could do together while Mac and Brady were together.

Maya was happy for her sister that she found someone but she didn't know it would be Maya's crush or as Maya's best friend calls it "secret lover". Maya was crushed when she found out Brady and Mac were together, I guess that's why they call it a crush. Mac had no idea that Brady was her little sister's crush, and still doesn't to this day.

But Maya wasn't going to tell her anytime soon because she just looked so happy and she didn't want to ruin that for Mac.

So she sat back and sketched in her notebook or went surfing at night when she thought no one was watching. Little did Maya know, Brady would be sitting at his window watching her surf when she did. Maya saw him once and thought he was being protective of his girlfriend's little sister, but it was quite the opposite. None of the teens would know until they went back to the 60s.

As Maya finished up her waves on her drawing she noticed the sun was going down. Brady and Mac are walking up the beach towards the house. Maya got down from the railing and went to the door as she heard Brady say "Race ya to the house." As he ran up to the house. Maya giggled and opened the door for him as she walked in, putting her stretch book to her side. Watching the movie as Brady walked in noticing the movie.

Brady walks in talking about surfing when Mac is about to tell him something but he cuts her off trying to listen to the background. Maya looked over seeing her grandfather watching Wet Side Story without them. "Pops, how could you?" Maya walked over to her grandfather's right side as she's smiling.

"Hey!" "What's up bro?" "I can't believe you're watching it without me!" Brady said in disbelief. "Now that you're here, I'm not." Pops said looking at Brady then continues to wipe the board he's working on. Mac leans against the wall behind them not phased by any of it. The song Surf Crazy plays in the background as Mac asks.

"Please don't tell me this is~" before she could finish what Maya, Brady, and Pops did for her. "Wet Side Story!" They all had a smile on their faces. Maya walked away to the kitchen to get a drink and a snack as Brady talked about the 60s, surfers and bikers. Then Mac gets in saying it's silly which gets a debate going about it.

The blickering stops for a bit while Maya drinks her water then it starts back up. Maya hears a knock on the door and puts the glass down as she walks to the door seeing Mac open it. "Surprise!" Their Aunt walks in. "Are you two gonna give your Aunt Antoinette a hug?" She opens her arms for both girls who accept the hug. Mac looks like she's just terrified, as Maya is just confused.

"Why are you here?" Maya pulls away give her Aunt a confused look. "Man, Look at you two all grown up, You both look unacceptable!" Mac looks at her confused now. "What?" "Not you guys." Their Aunt holds up a finger as she turns to reveal her earpiece in her ear. "Tell him the offer is unacceptable." She takes out her earpiece as she walks towards where her father is.

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Maya goes back into the kitchen to get her snack and takes a bite of her snack she chose. Next thing Maya hears shocks her. "Well you thought wrong. We're leaving tomorrow." Aunt Antoinette turns to face Mac. "Mac, what does she mean by leaving tomorrow." Maya walked out and stood next to Brady. "Uh, this is Brady." Maya was so shocked by the words that she didn't even see her Aunt shake hands with Brady.

"Mac, what does she mean by leaving tomorrow?" Maya finally said as she looked at her sister. Pops greets her daughter next to Maya as Maya looks at Mac with sadness in her eyes. Maya looked down and closed her eyes as she shook her head a bit.

"Oh don't Tell me, you still have That." Antoinette puts a hand on her chest looking up at the surfboard. "Still have it? I mean we all grew up with the legend about this Board, it's Part of the Family." Pops shakes his head proud. "Me, your grandfather and his father, we each found our destiny on it." Aunt Antoinette goes on about how Mac has one way to "find" her destiny as Maya clenched her hands into fists. Brady had enough. He needs answers.

"Okay, alright Mac, what does she mean by leaving tomorrow?" Pops puts a hand on Brady's shoulder. "Brady, as of tomorrow, my niece will be attending the exclusive, overpriced, and did I mean exclusive, Dunwich Preparatory Academy." Maya couldn't believe it. Her sister was leaving to attend a school half way across the country.

Maya looked up and opened her eyes as she looked at her sister. "When were you gonna tell us? When you were in the Plane? You know what, nevermind." Maya walked past Brady as she grabbed her stretch book and pencil walking out the door slamming it shut.

"Maya wait!" Mac was just about to go after her little sister as her Aunt stopped her. "Just let her take the news in and accept it."

Maya Just couldn't believe it. Her sister was seriously going to another school far away leaving her here alone. Sure Maya has her best friend but it's not the Same. Plus she can't handle Brady alone. She could never talk to Brady alone. Her sister was always there. But she doesn't have a choice now. As she was thinking and drawing Brady walked out to come check on her. But she doesn't have a choice now. She had to start doing things on her own.

Whether that is with her sister, Brady or her best friend. It's time for her to gain some confidence like her sister.

As she was thinking, she started to draw a surfboard design she's always wanted. Brady walked out to come check on her.

"Hey.. how are you doing?" He walked up to her and stopped at her feet. Maya shrugged her shoulders and shut her book, putting it in her lap. "Look.. I know this is hard, but we are going to get through this together. I promise. We can even go surfing tomorrow! Do something your sister wanted to do before she left.."

Maya pulled her book and legs to her chest resting her chin on her knees looking out into the ocean. "You know I don't surf very often anymore." Maya didn't even bother looking at Brady. "Just one more time. For your sister." Brady leaned against the railing next to Maya looking out to the ocean glancing at her a few times.

"Why? She's leaving tomorrow, it's not like she's gonna see me surf." Brady sighed. "You know, I'm upset that she's leaving too. I get she's your sister and all, but you're gonna have to get used to the fact of her not being around. And look at it like this. You still have me and Pops! Plus we can watch Wet Side Story anytime you want! We can even react to some of the scenes! Just as Long as you put a smile on your face and go surfing with me tomorrow!"

Maya thinks about it for a moment of her and Brady reacting to some of the scenes as she giggles a bit, smiling like Brady told her too. "See. Now that's what I'm talking about!"

"Fine, but just this one time. As long as you join me. I don't want to be out there alone.." Maya looked at Brady for the first time since he's come out. "Deal." he said smiling as he held a hand out to help her down. Maya looks at it and gets down as she takes her hand away and grips in her stretch book.

"What were you working on?" Brady led her back into the house. "Oh it's nothing." Maya put a piece of her hair behind her ear as she walked down the hallway.

"It didn't look like nothing. Come on, show me!" Brady practically begged her to show him. Maya gave in as she smiled.

"Fine. But don't make fun of me. Alright?" Brady held out his pinky which Maya linked hers with. She showed Brady her designs of the surfboard.

"Woah! This is cool, why don't you shoe Pops this?" Brady took her stretch book to get a closer look. Maya put her hands on her arms. "Because I don't surf much anymore.. plus it's only for fun."

Brady shook his head. "You gotta show him this. I'll even help you! It would be an awesome board." Maya took back her stretch book as she closed it. "Maybe, but for now. Goodnight Brady."

"Goodnight Maya." He walked down the hall to the spare bedroom as Maya shut her door with a smile creeping on her face. Which was one her face while she fell asleep as well.

First chapter done! Woohoo!

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