Scribbled Commands

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been three days since that boss fight. Kazuto's been telling me non-stop that there was nothing i could have done but frankly, i don't believe that.

I've been digging into my command console more and the codes for these things do exist. It's just that... for some reason, they don't do anything when i apply it to someone.

Right now im sitting in our room at the inn just scrolling through various commands as i wait for Kazuto who's currently pushing to the next floor with Asuna. He says it's better off if i stay here since im still getting distracted over letting that person die. I know that i may not be able to do much but had my commands worked...

Hmm... what could i be missing...?


In my frustration, i let myself drop and banged my head on the table.

Hopefully Kazuto is having a better time then i am...

Kirito's POV

phew! That was a tough one. The boss had less health but had some unusual attacks. It made had orbs with lightning connecting them and the players had to adjust their position so as to not get hit. But we made it with zero casualties this time.

Hmm... thinking back, i should buy something to cheer him up...

I looked around and eventually spotted a vendor that sells enchanted items. Since (Y/N) prefers to play mage most of the time, im sure i can find something that he likes.

I asked the vendor for whatever mage-y stuff he has. He showed me various items from trinkets to jewelry but nothing overly magical - well, because magic doesn't really exist in SAO. But then he showed me a glove of sorts that creates a magical barrier that blocks attacks. Seeing as how that is both cool and useful for protecting (Y/N), i bought it. I've been playing this game for a while and needless to say, i've racked up quite the stack of Cor.

My walk back to our inn took about 10 minutes give-or-take. I got there and walked up the stairs to the second floor. Once in front of my room, i unlocked the door and walked in only to find my cute little (Y/N) asleep on the table.

He had a few peaces of paper under him which he was drooling on and both his command consoles still active.

I smiled and walked over to him after locking the door behind me. I picked him up from the chair and set him on the bed, covering him with a blanket before walking back to the table he fell asleep on.

I sat on the chair and looked at the paper. Drool aside, it looks like he was studying about some technical game stuff? The papers looked to be manuals from the alpha version of the game so something even older than what i have and looks to detail SAO's firewall.

Looking directly ahead, one of his command consoles listed the possible commands in SAO and another was his notebook. The notebook showed some of the commands from the list but about half of them had a red line crossed over it with another similar command next to it. I guess it's safe to assume that some of the Alpha commands don't work anymore and he's been updating to the version that actually works.

Huh. Well he's definitely been busy these past few days...

Another thing that i noticed in his notes were a few heavily scribbled out commands, what it says- im not entirely sure. One was very short but again, with all the scribbles above it i can't tell what it is. Another was ###la###, or something of the sort. At the bottom of these two commands were big words written in red saying "DON'T DO IT"

Honestly im not sure what these are but i probably shouldn't be poking around with all this stuff.

I leaned back on the chair and began thinking through some stuff. That is until i began hearing some things outside our room.

There were people speaking outside in whispers...

I got up from my chair and got closer to the source of the noise. Placing my ear right on the door to hear them.

??? "Keep searching. We have to find the person who has that console."

??? "But these rooms are locked. We can't buust in, that's just how the game works!"

??? "Then search the ones that aren't locked, idiot!"

They're looking for (Y/N)?!

I looked back to see him still asleep. Thankfully our curtains were closed the whole time so no one from the outside could have followed him here but they obviously have a lead.

I waited until they walked away then got next to the bed.

I don't want to do this but it's urgent... begrudgingly, i brought a hand to (Y/N) shoulder and began slowly shaking him and calling out his name. Eventually he woke up and rubbed his eyes.

(Y/N) "Kazuto...? What is it...?"

Kazuto "pack up your things, we need to move."

(Y/N) "huh...? Why?"

Kazuto "just do as i say for now. I'll explain later."

(Y/N) "o-okay..."

And with that, we began packing up our stuff. Before leaving, i put a hood over (Y/N)'s head so no one will know who he is.

Peeking out and confirming whoever those people were are actually gone, i grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and walked down the stairs, telling the innkeeper that we've finished our stay.

(Y/N) "so where are we gonna stay now?"

Kazuto "i'll think of something. You just follow me..."

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