Lisa POV
Okay so yesterday wasn't so great at all. First, the spread of jennie and I's relationship , second I got my body tired from the practice then my girlfriend jennie , gave me a fucking blue balls .
I was startled when a loud banging interrupted my thoughts
"Pranpriya , I want your butt out of your bed now, I have something to tell you"
I groan when I hear my sisters loud voice from outside my doorshe came back yesterday and told me about the illness she had and how it turns out to be a mistake , I was furious about it at first coz she hid it from me , then she explained that she didn't want me to worry and that I had enough pain in me to add up those
I was disappointed , Im still mad , but I love her
"Im gonna count to three , 1"
Nope, not coming out
still no"If I count to 3 Ill drop your leo somewhere down the road!"
Thats it , I give up , no one messes with my leo
When I opened the door I saw my sister and she immediately hug me
and cried , she's back again at this huh
"Im sorry pranpri if I lied to you , Please dont be mad anymore , I miss you"
for a minute I was mad , thats for sure but seeing my unnie like this I mean hearing unnie cry makes me soft"Im not mad anymore unnie , I understand its just that it saddens me that you lied to me" I told you I cant be mad at her for long
"Im really sorry , I have to lie coz you're happy now why add up right? And it turns out to be wrong so dont be mad anymore"
"even so, what if its true and I have no idea then you suddenly die gosh I dont wvwn know unnie aish! just dont do it okay?" She nods and hug me more tight
"lets go downstairs , breakfast is ready and oh Im going out today" thats suspesious
"huh going out eyy? May I know with whom?"
"just a friend , now lets go" before I ate I texted jennie first a good morning and eat your breakfast and I haven't recieved a message just yet
"so , jennie and you?" I quickly hid my phone but I was too late
"no need to hide , its all over the internet" she smirked then went upstairs
All over the internet huh
After I cleaned the dishes I went up only to see my sister in a yellow summer dress with a straw hat
"nice outfit you got there unnie must be a special friend hmm?" I wiggle my eyebrow only to be hit by her hand bag Right in my face
"bye pranpri see yah later " and she rush out of the door , since I got nothing to do I went back to my room and in front of my computer , I haven't done this for I don't remember , maybe a couple of minutes talking to them won't hurt much right?
"alright , Lets go" I fixed myself a little then hit the go live button
there weren't viewers just yet so I decided to go shower for a while leaving the live rolling
After few minutes I went out with my band shirt and track pants only to see thousands of viewers
"Oh I was gone for some minutes then I got this viewers, ehem okay lets do the Q&A , just a reminder , I wouldn't be able to read it all okay? So..... lets start" not minutes after Im already flooded with questions
'How are you Lisa?'"Oh Im okay , just a lil bit upset"
thank God someone asked me if Im okayRois47
'About the dating rumor, is it true?'
should I answer?"You can say that hehe , yeah its true"
'can I be your baby?'"But I got nothing to feed you sorry" I chuckled while reading it
"Guys why ask me those when I just said I'm dating , come one" I chuckled then continued talking
'Lisa are you a snack?'"no, Im the whole damn course" why am I even answering questions
"I'm an exquisite menu that only her can afford" I added
"Your questions are so funny gosh Keep questioning me"
'Daddy why are you so hot?'"Finally, someone see's me as a hottie , ughh she even called me daddy, nice baby girl but I dont really know"
Okay , I know I'm being all flirty but it's just a live right?
'how long is your p?'
As I read it I looked down on my crotch"You wanna know ? hold on a sec" I grab a ruler and measure it
I showed them a ruler measuring up to 8 inches"that long, but it can go longer and bigger "
'P stands for patience'" oh shit you're talking about my patience? Hahhaha damn now you know my length, my patience is long"
I read again and saw this comment
'You stupid stop going live'
Yow how dae this person call me stupid"I aint stupid , yow who are you jk96?"
it could be jungkook right?Hanzwer
'Sex or chocolate?'"Id go for sex , Kidding chocolate is what Im craving for now"
I'll wait for jennie to be readyjk96
'Dont answer them'
Who the heck is this"man you so creepy , This is my live vid ,my account you cant just tell me things , you should go"
'What do you hate the most?'"leaving me frustrated , sexually frustrated to be exact" I took a glance at my coffee cup and take A sip then back again at reading q's
'Can you make me pregnant?'"Direct to the point eyy, but yeah I can make a girl pregnant but can you carry 10 babies?"
Proceeding to the next , I scrunch my nose and read her comment , yeah shes a she
' 1!I swear in my life that I've been a good girl!'"Jk96 you love camila ?"
'Do me daddy please'"like how?" I don't get it
'How big are you?'"Wanna see? Kidding Im fat thats it"