Sameera stiffened. Her suspicions were cleared. This guy was definitely not a ghost.
"It's ₹10." Shopkeeper said. She nodded and handed him a ten rupee note and started walking. Still ignoring him. Shrithik followed her to her apartment. Sameera was aware of that.
And the fact that her heart was thumping loudly didn't provide any comfort.
She managed to stay calm."Close the door." She ordered when inside. She was feeling a little more safe because she knew how to fight and there were many things in her reach which can be used as weapons. But after getting a close look to Shrithik her heart slowed to it's normal pace. He didn't feel like a dangerous person or whatever.
Shrithik followed her command and sat down in front of her when she gestured.
"So, what do you want?"
Without beating around the bush, she directly landed on her topic."Coffee will do good." Shrithik replied and she raised her eyebrows. He very well knew what she was talking about. But Sameera nodded and started making a coffee.
After handing him the coffee she sat and sipped hers.
"So, as you know, I am invisible and as per I know you are the only one who can see me."
She nodded and gestured him to go on."Are you not surprised? Or scared? Or something?" Shrithik asked frustrated. This girl was not giving him a proper response.
"I already figured that much, that you are invisible and not a ghost. Right now, you confirmed it. At first, I was scared because I was not sure and you don't look like you can harm me. And lastly, I can fight." Sameera explained.
"Now, back to the point, what do you want from me?"
"Be my friend." He said in a low voice. Sameera strained her ears to listen him. But heard nonetheless.
Though there was one person else than Sameera who knew about his existence. But he cannot see Shrithik. Their only means of conversation was voice.He sometimes felt lonely. He needed someone who will look into his eyes and tell whether he was sad or happy.
As dramatic as it sounds, Shrithik wanted it."Sorry dude. Not gonna happen. And right now, I have an assignment to complete. So bye. Now get out." Sameera stated and opened her door for him. He nodded and stood up feeling defeated.
Only person who was able to see him was not giving him attention. Not being his friend.Sameera is pretty bad with emotions. She feels everything and is normal but cannot express it. Sometimes people think that she is emotionless.
Aquarius traits.She saw what situation that guy was in, but she was not willing to help him. Invisible guy or whatever it was, right now she was sleepy and wanted to sleep.
Shrithik looked like a lost puppy which had been kicked out by his master. Sameera cannot help the little melt in her heart.
"Ugh... what's you name?"
Sameera asked causing a little hope in Shrithik."Shrithik. Shrithik Chauhan."
Sameera didn't know what to do now so she nodded and gestured him to go. Once again his face fell.
Now what was she gonna do of his name?
If she'll search also how will anybody be able to tell her who he was because nobody knew him.
He once again like a lost puppy went to his house.
"I am back." He said, hoping his bestfriend was home."How did it go?" Shrey asked. If somebody was to describe Shrey, they will say a handsome nerd. He had curly brown hairs and magnetic eyes. He was very observant, if not he can never talk to Shrithik.
"What?" Shrithik asked kicking his shoes off and then ploping on the couch. Shrey's eyes followed the movement of couch dipping so he fixed his gaze there.
"You went after Sameera right? I heard you saying 'hey sweetheart'. And who the hell starts a conversation with that. You know you are invisible right? She could-"
"She could see me." Shrithik said interrupting him. Shrey stopped dead in his tracks.
"I said she could see me. She even pinned me to the ground." Shrithik mumbled.
"What happened after that?" Shrey asked turning.
"I followed her to her apartment. She knew it ,that I was following her. I told her that I am invisible and told her to be my friend. She refused." Shrithik was acting like a heartbroken boy.
"You told her, why you are invisible? If you did you are an idiot. First class idiot."
"No, I didn't. Anybody will refuse after finding out."
"So, what are you gonna do now? Sit here like a heartbroken? Like a lost puppy?"
Shrey asked pointing at his voice. He has not seen- I mean heard him this sad in their five years of friendship."What else can I do?"
Shrithik threw his hands in air. He was frustrated."You, the great Shrithik don't know what to do? Woo her. Follow her. You are not telling her to marry you? Are you? Try being her friend. If then also she refused then it's OK.
Just try. You cannot just sit like this without attempting." Shrey calmly explained. Shrithik got a little motivated and decided that it was a good idea.Shrey noticed the couch return to its normal position, indicating Shrithik is up. And then door opened. Shrey ran towards the door and pointed at the hallway.
"Hey where are you going. It's eleven. She'll be asleep by now you idiot." When he didn't get any response he huffed and then felt a tap at his shoulder.
"Do you have more invisible friends?"
Shrithik's voice scared Shrey."God, Shri. I'm still not used to you." Shrey exclaimed
"Sorry. I'm hungry."
"Yeah, food is ready."
They both were sitting and eating quietly.
"So, do you know her?"
"That girl who can see me. Do you know her?" Shrithik asked and Shrey nodded.
"Almost everybody in our college know her. She will never accept, but she is popular."
"What's her name?"