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Gum-leaves and small pieces of bark float on the surface down by the waterline of the dam. Steve leans back on the slope of the dam wall. Jeni is on her knees with the net in the water.

"Got one!  Come and see."

Steve gets up and comes over, as Jeni pulls up the net, containing a yabby clinging onto a fragment of meat.

Jeni smiles. "Yabbies. Funny little things. Some people eat them, but I'd rather let them be. All in their own little world at the bottom of the dam."

Steve nods, in quiet amusement. "A bit like us, ain't they."

She looks at him in some surprise.

"Can't see a thing for all the mud in the water, see? Bits and pieces drift down, in any old order, all out of sequence. An' we have to make sense of them as best we can." A wry, happy laugh. "Story of my life, really."

She grins at him. "What sense do you want to make of it, Steve? What would you like?

He grins in return. "Dunno yet. Gettin' there. But summat with you in it, I guess?"

She drops the net, and pulls his head down to kiss it. As she does so, the yabby takes advantage of the distraction, working its way free of the net and back into the water, still holding the prized piece of meat.

Yabbies - a novelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя