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The door bell chim indicating a person's entry.

The beautiful woman turns around moving her focus from the masterpiece of a dress she was designing.

She looked at the two young men entering. Who had a smile on their face. Her smile replaces with an annoying shrug as she sees them.

"Annyeonghaseyo noona" as the fair guy says she rolls her eyes and continues working on the gorgeous dress.

Another young guy enters and he wishes the elder Woman as well.

They were walking towards her when she stopped them by showing her palm.

"don't t you dare come near the dress. It's handmade collection with 35 diamonds embroidered. Don't you put your filthy hands on it." as she said both the men backed off while pulling their arms up in a surrender posture as they back off.

While the woman nods.

" ji woo noona we came here to ask you something" says jungkook in a sweet tone.

"what?" she asks ruthlessly unlike how welcoming she was to the young girl who came to her in the morning.

"noona... Y/n ran away in the morning." jimin said with a plain face and the woman didn't flinch rather continued her work.

The boys got a shock wave when they didn't receive a reaction from the older woman.

"noona... You heard that right y/n ran away" said jungkook.

"Hmmm" is all she replied.

"one week before her coronation" jimin added and the woman still didn't react.

And the boys sighed loud.

"I knew it. She already knows y/n ran away. You know how?" jimin ask with a mocking tone.

"because y/n herself came to her after running away" jungkook added and both of them looked at the now pissed off woman.

"are we wrong?" both of them ask with their hands crossed against their chest.

The woman glared at them. "yeah she did so what? As if you can Trace her. You can never find her until she decides. Now move away.... I came to the secluded area to have peace not to be annoyed by your useless selves" she said and got back to her work.

" noona pls tell if you know anything?" jimin asks with puppy eyes.

She looked at his puppy eyes and got lost in them. In awe.

"don't bother.... I won't betray y/n" she said changing her expressions in not more than 0.0 seconds.

Both the boys looked at her in disbelief.

"noona !!!!!" both the boys whine.

"wae!??!??" she replies back.

"y/n is out there. She is way too tenacious. She does everything by will. Thousands of people who want her dead and another set of thousand people who want to have her under them. People will sell their souls to have Claire romanno married to their son. You believe the rich families won't try to get hands on her if they find out she is on run." jimin said and ji woo turned to him

" first she is more deadly than anyone of you. Second... She is more responsible.... She fuckin handled the biggest kingdom for 6 years." she said

" and she is gullible." jungkook said and ji woo scoffs

" even you know how gullible y/n is. She is a witch. A complete witch but would do anything if someone convince her into. Stop it don't Try. I'll do it myself. " jimin scolds jungkook and he just nods.

" listen here. I don't fuckin care about the coranation. People get a panic attack hearing her name do you think you can do anything against her will... Huh!?" says jiwoo with her hands on her waist.

Both the boys helplessly sigh.


Y/n sneezes and rubs her nose as she looks out of the car window and cold air hits her.

"miss, close the window you will catch a cold" says the driver with a smile and she pulls herself in with a small pout.

While taehyung chuckles. "you will catch a cold this way close the window" she obeys him and closes the window while still looking out mesmerized by the beach running alongside coast and the road.

"don't tell me you have never been to a bitch" he said in an English accent.

While y/n looks at him in disbelief. "do you mean beach?" she asks back in fluent English.

"bitch!?" he replays.

She just shooks her head "no... Beach" she says again.

"bitch?" he says it again looking confused.

"No. Bea- you know what repeat after me be-a-ch" she emphasising on each word and he listens carefully

"be-a-ch... Beach" he finally says it and she sighs in relief.

"thank god. How can you even Confuse beach with bitch. For fuck sake." she said and taehyung looks at her in awe.

"you speak pretty fluent English" he said.

"ofcourse other than Korean I can fluently speak Italian, Spanish, French and almost every European language just name it. It was a must for being a Que-" she stopped midway.

"what were you saying?" he asks.

"I meant... It was must for my... My portfolio." she says having an instant recovery.

"ohhh" he hummed.

She really thought she will be exposed but he didn't ask anymore.

She was lost in her own world cursing herself for being stupid. When she felt something on her left ear. She turned to realise taehyung put a earpods in it and another in his ear and played a song in his phone.

She looked at him.

"listen to it... You will like my taste in music" he said and y/n smiles as she hears the beats. While taehyung looks at her and sings in tiny as if they have known each other for years.


"what!?" a man with perfectly placed hair shouted in the phone

"yes sir.. Its a confirm news. Few of our men have confirmed news that Claire romanno is missing since the morning." the voice on the phone said.

"and you are telling it now!?" he ask.

"sorry sir but it wasn't a confirmed news so I didn't bother saying." the man on the other side of the phone says.

"anything be it a rumor or a lie.. Anything that concerns Claire is my business. Get me updates if you get anything on her." the man said and cut the call. He sighs.

He is wearing a vest coat while his coat of the same color hung on his chair. It's a beautiful office. Worth much and on the name plate of the table read.

"kim namjoon. Ceo"

He immediately presses the calling Bell and within few minutes a lady entered.

It was his secretary.

"where is the chairman???" he ask.

"sir the chairman left early morning for an emergency meeting. Thats all I know. His secretary doesn't say a thing about it.

" what about the grand chairman, my father." he ask.

" sir he is at his villa since a week. We don't have any new updates on him." the secretary replies while namjoon just thinks.

"okay... Its good he isn't home.... Then if you get any updates on the chairman. Come to me first" he says and the secretary just nods before leaving.

"oh Claire....oh my claire. Your night in shining armour had to go out in the perfect time. Is it destiny?" he says and chuckles ti himself.

I know its confusing.

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