Chapter Eighteen

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Michael POV

I will support Draco no matter what. But I'm also scared for him. He's not the same like he used to be when we were kids. But he's making the right decision to be himself for the first time in he's whole life.

I never thought Draco would be gay. But I'm happy for him. He just needs to be careful around his father. His father can be strict sometimes so he needs to be careful.

I was looking around for Luna so we could hangout for a bit. We both get along very well. She a very nice person I ever met.

I went outside to see if she was there. But I didn't found her. I realize there was a forest so I decided to go towards it.


I got no answer. I tried not to go deep into the forest cause I can get lost. Than I could hear someone. I walked towards it.

"Luna is that you?" I said

Than I saw her just standing there.

"Luna why are you here all alone?" I said

"Because I like to be in the forest alone sometimes." She said with her sweet smile

"Oh it makes sense. But I wanted to ask you a question." I said

"Yea what is is?" She said looking into my eyes

"Uhm well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight? I mean if your busy I under-" I got interrupted by her 

"Yes that would be really nice, since I have nothing to do."

"Great I'll see you later at 6pm. I have to leave right now cause I have to do something. Bye Luna." I said

"Bye Mike." She said

I went back inside to see Y/N at the hospital wing. When I got there I saw her sitting there looking at the ground.

"Y/N." I said with a soft voice

She looked up and saw me.

"Oh hi Michael. What are you doing here? Don't you have things to do." She said

"I here to check on you. Wait have you been crying? Your eyes are red!" I said walking towards her

"No. I wasn't crying I'm just tired." She said trying not to look at me

"Y/N I know your lying. You can talk to me. That's the reason why I'm here for you." I said

"I know. It's just I have a lot of responsibility. I have to do the stupid mission, take care of you, and now I have to be careful because of our father!" She said crying

"I know. I know you have a lot of responsibility. But I'm here for you. Draco and Narcissa are also there for you. Just remember I will always be here for you and Draco." I said giving her a hug

"Thank you but I just need a break from everything. I can't do this anymore. I just wish our father never came back." She said

"I know. I know how you feel. But look at the bright side I'm gonna ask someone to date me." I said

"Who? Do I know them? I mean if I know them I will let you date them." She said

"It's Luna." I said confident

"Like the Luna Lovegood?" She said looking at me surprised 

"Yea, why?" I said

"I thought y'all were friends. But I can see it. I'm so happy for you Mikey!" She said giving me a hug

"Ok thanks Y/N. But when are you leaving the hospital wing?" I said

"Tomorrow morning. Remember we have class to be at tomorrow." She said

"Oh right I forgot. But I'll see you tomorrow. I have to get ready for my date in a couple of hours." I said smiling

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." She said smiling back

I left the hospital wing and went to my dorm. I was excited but nervous at the same time. I just hope it won't affect our relationship.

A few hours passed and it was already 5pm. I started to get really nervous. I was already dressed but I felt like I was forgetting something. I realize I didn't have flowers for her.

I had to find a way to get her flowers. Than I remember at the greenhouse theres some flowers I planted. I rush downstairs and went to the greenhouse.

When I got there, all the flowers I planted were ready. I grabbed them and went back upstairs. I was at my dorm looking at the time so I can go back downstairs.

I couldn't stop shaking. I was scared she would rejected me. I look at the time and I had five more minutes. I looked into the mirror to see if I looked good.

I went downstairs and ran out the common room. I was so nervous that I forgot the flowers. I ran back to my dorm and got the flowers. Than I ran as fast as I could and see if Luna was in front of the doors of the great hall.

When I got there she still wasn't there. I started to get clam. When I saw her walking towards me I started to get butterflies. I tried to relax but the way she looked was beautiful.

"Hello Michael." She said with her sweet smile and voice

"Hi. Umm I got you some flowers." I said giving her the flowers

"They are amazing. Thank you. No one ever gave me flowers until now." She said

"Oh uhhm should we go now?" I said

"Yes. But where are you taking me too?" She said having her arm around mine

"We're going to the three broomsticks." I said

"Let's go than." She said

We went to the three broomsticks. At first it was kinda awkward but than we were started to talk. After a while I was ready to ask Luna out.

"Hey Luna umm I have to tell you something." I said

"Yea sure what is it?" She said

"We have been friends for a while now. Ever since I met you I thought you were the one. So this question is very important. Luna Lovegood will you be my girlfriend?" I said nervously

"Yes." She said with her soft voice

"Wait what!? You said yes!" I said

"Yes. The reason why I said yes because your are a nice person and friend." She said

I was way to happy that I didn't even hear what Luna said. I got up and grabbed her hand and kissed her.

I want to stay like this for the rest of my life. I want to stay happy forever.

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