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Following Glimmer to her shop was more fun than I thought it would be, we had so many things in common

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Following Glimmer to her shop was more fun than I thought it would be, we had so many things in common. As we get to the shop, I stop and stare at the creative name. A blue and glittering sign read 'Raine-y Day Glimmers' like she said, but it was so much more. It looked nothing like the rest of the shops, in fact it was like Kesler's apothecary.

"Um, so I have to wonder, do you know that man back there? Silver tips?" She looks at me for a second then laughs, "Yes we've met before, and it didn't end so pleasantly for him. Okay now, I have to wonder. Why do you hang around him, he seems like such a hard ass all the time."

Now I laugh, "A hard arse he might be, but we have been friends for a long while and I can't just leave him alone. If anything I could consider him a brother, he's always here for me." She gives me an odd look as we walk into the craft store, "Have some time to look around, I'll be around the corner, come when you're done."

I give her a thumbs up and start looking around, soon enough the door opens again and I hear a british male voice. The voice is so familiar, I just can't put my finger on it, "G, you opened up early today, I wasn't expecting to see you till the end of the hour. Not that I'm complaining..."

"Oh hush, Ezra, we have a guest somewhere in the shop and it would be rude not to invite her in." Ezra, that name, that voice, "Oh, and who might that guest be? Who's this person who's ruining my time with my girlfriend?" From what I can tell, she hesitates a moment before telling him, "Sophie Foster."

It takes him a moment to realize what she'd said, "S-Sophie Foster...Sophie Foster is in our shop! Are you daft?! Raine is going to be here any moment! You're going to ruin everything, and for what? Nothing good is going to come from this, Glimmer." The man takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, but you must understand--,"

"What's going on here?" Ask's a strong woman's voice, she looks around the shop till her eyes land on me, and for a moment she looks pissed. When I see her I stare amazed, she's really pretty--like Glimmer kind pretty and Glimmer is pretty. With her fair skin and hazel hair, hourglass figure, and air force blue eyes. Raine on the other hand has dark bronze skin, pink hair, and cold stone blue eyes.

Then her face smooths out and her demeanor changes, "Sophie Foster, what a surprise it is to see you here. Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Raine, Raine Maximillian, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. Because in a world full of men, we need to try harder and you, my friend, are as close to a revolution that we've got."

Then she turns her back and starts to walk out of the room only to stop midway, "Glimmer, I'd like to have a conversation with you, outside if you don't mind. You're welcome to stay as long as you want Sophie, but just know that I'm leaving Ezra in charge and he's not half as pleasant as he is with Glimmer around. Oh, and I do hope to see you soon."

Ezra grunts and just walks away as Raine and Glimmer exit the room. Not wanting to stay here any longer, I pick the nearest paint and pen set and head to Ezra at the counter. "How much would this cost?" He looks me up and down, then sighs, "It's on the house," His accent thick," Just do me a favor and get out of here Sophie, it's not safe for you to be out here alone. Find your friends and leave Mysterium, before it's too late."

All I can do is gawk at him, but when he clears his throat I think better and leave. As I exit, I see the girls come out of Magenta's Magik's shop, FINALLY. Finally we can go home, it's been too long and I want to sleep before I meet--Raine Maximillian. R. Max. I stopped dead in front of my friends, "Ten bloody hells, that's why he sounded so familiar." They look at me in shock, "I should have listened to him, we need to leave now."

"But Sophie, you didn't even try on one dress yet and--," I give her a disbelieving look, "The Neverseen are here Biana, we need to leave now. I remember what happened last night."


My bloody head hurt like hell and bright flashes of what just happened took over my mind. I sit up straight with a gasp and regret all my life choices, too quickly all the blood rushed to my brain. I'm too stunned by the pain to realize that I wasn't tied down to the cot, how weird, to think that they were dumb enough to think that I wouldnt run at first chance. They must be amateurs.

As I try to move my legs I realize that they are for a fact not amateurs. I'm paralized from the hip down, not so much that I'll never move again, but I won't be able to move for some time. "Hogwash," Then I wonder if their technopath is anything like Dex, if so then there are probably cameras everywhere, but I dont give a crap. I roll off the bed and try to make my way to the door, crawling without your legs is not as easy as you'd think it is though.

When I get to the door, two guards wait outside, clearly shocked I've made it this far. They hesitate for a moment, but I waste no time, straining to use my feet, I punch the first guy in the face and the second in the stomach. If they weren't pissed by being put on guard duty before, they certainly were now. Not caring that I look like a newborn deer on their shaky legs, I run around the base and get a weird sense of deja vu.

Voices around the corner stop me in my tracks, "She's truly here?" An unaccented voice calls out. "Yes, uncle, I saw her myself. She looks different but the same, and she's lost all her memories." Memories? Could they be talking about my life before I turned eleven? "I mean she's not the only one. We've all had things wiped." Says a new voice, a girl's voice.

Then a voice of the man who ruined Fitz's life speaks up, "Ezra, why is Ruy not here with us. This probably means a lot more to him than any of the rest of us." Then a sickly sweet female voice, "Ezzy's just jealous that Ruy's the one who found her—,"

The British boy speaks again, "Cream it Glimmer before I rip out your bloody tongue."

"But where the fun in that." She challenges back accentuating her words by wiggling her eyebrows. "Kids can't we just have one minute of peace? Raine, we need to go now, we can't risk seeing the girl and vise versa. Alvar find Ruy and take Sophie back to Havenfield, but before you do make sure Gethan wipes her memory. Glimmer you're in charge of that because he's your father and Ezra...try not to provoke Ruy."

It's hard not to laugh with everyone else, I can just picture an image of pure rage on this Ezra guy's face. "It's nothing personal, Ez, it's just you can't really help right now. Raine is with me because she's skilled and diplomatic, Alvar and Ruy are tight—something that you and he are not. And Glimmer—well we all know who her father is."

I can all but hear his jaw crack from the tight clench of his teeth, "Then let me check on my co—the girl, let me check on the girl. I'll take her to Gethan and Glimmer, we'll meet you at the entrance." I get the answer a second later when Ezra sighs in relief, and now I'm going to bolt. See you creepy Neverseen base, and I start running, keeping in the shadows using a grace that only years and years of dance gave me.


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