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ayo i'm starting to fall in love with Y/N and it's funny bc i'm basing her off of me except she's like actually hot 😁

"Y/N can you play something classical, like Mozart or Bach, I like to start off my day with something calming." You laugh as you pull out of your apartment complex.

"Jenny Was a Friend of Mine is one of my favorite songs," You protest jokingly "I play The Killers every morning."

"It's a great song but I really don't love starting off my day with songs about murder," He leans back in the passenger seat, his legs slightly spread, his hands resting loosely on the inside of his thighs. He looked hot with his hair framing his face and the mellow morning after glow lighting up his eyes. You had taken Advil to ease the shaky feeling in your legs but you were still forced to wear a turtle neck to cover the purple blotches trailing down your neck, although you would wear a turtle neck any day if it meant Spencer could do to you what he had done last night again. You sigh and switch the station to classical, watching as a small smile begins to appear on Spencer's face "thank you Star," He whispers.

You arrive in the classroom ten minutes before class starts, setting your things down next to Spencer's desk as per usual. You turn around to collect today's notes off his desk but you're met with Spencer's hands on your hips pulling you towards him instead,"can I kiss you?" He says softly "I really want to kiss you but if you still want to take things slow I-"

"Spencer we had really good sex last night, we're past the point of taking it slow." You lean forward on your tip toes pressing a kiss against his lips, you wrap your arms around his neck, holding him against you. Your kiss grows more heated as he leans you against his desk, one hand bringing your thigh up to his hip the other planted firmly on the desk for stability. You instinctively hook your leg around him, his hand still holding your thigh as he presses in-between your legs, the only thing keeping you from falling back on the desk being your arms around his neck. Suddenly he pulls away, his head jerking towards the door, you see a figure move from behind the small window in the center of the door. "Who was that?" You whisper anxiously "fuck Spencer who was that?" He takes a protective stance, blocking you from view of the window.

"I don't know. They looked like a man but I didn't see any identifying features," slowly Spencer readjusts his suit jacket and turns to you "I'm sure it's nothing, Y/N, I promise you I won't let anything bad come of this." You stare up at him, searching for sincerity in his lost hazel eyes but all you see is the light dancing off them.

"Alright," you stand up taking his hands in your and squeezing it "you're just irresistible Spencer, purely and wholly irresistible and I trust you." He nods squeezing your hand back.

"You're an enigma, Y/N, and that's all I can think to describe you as after last night a beautiful enigma."

"What do you mean? What about last night was confusing?" You bite your lip anxiously.

"You trust me, you trust me enough to sleep with me, to joke with me, to come over to my house and get drunk and make out with me and it's only been two and half weeks." You shift anxiously "you're so fucking smart and yet you end up letting an overrated genius who tries too hard take you home and almost have sex with you against his desk."

You smile at his remark "I've never felt like this Y/N, I've never wanted to be so close to another person before, both physically and emotionally. I can't place what it is about you. You're an enigma and I can't lie and say I'm not falling head over heels for it." Before you can respond students begin to file into the room forcing Spencer to quickly drop your hand. Spencer hands you the notes to pass around and as he does you lean in to him ever so slightly.

"I would say you're an enigma but I think I have you all figured out mr.profiler."

As soon as the last of the students empty the room Spencer turns to you "what the fuck did that mean?" He says with a look of utter confusion on his face. You simply shrug.

"What do you mean?" You say pretending you don't understand what the man is talking about.

"You're not stupid, Y/N, what did you mean when you said you had me all figured out?" He crosses his arms, clearly very disgruntled over what you said.

"Why are you so upset about it?" You say plopping down in his desk chair. He rolls his eyes, nervously bringing one hand to the back of his neck. Spencer stares at your for a moment, pulling the corner of his bottom lip between his teeth.

"My entire life everyone's always told me they don't understand me and that I'm beyond them even people who've worked with me for years, and now you roll up with 19 days of knowing and tell me you have me all figured out. I've never heard that before and I'm not going to lie and say I believe you." You scoff and stand up, reaching for your coat "you're smart but you're not that smart, what makes you think you have me all figured out?" His words burn your skin as he says them. He's over reacting and it takes you a moment to fully understand how upset he is over what you said.

"Spencer you amaze me, you really do, but you're need to be the odd one out is showing. You just have to misunderstood freak." You sigh as you pick up your stuff "call me when you get it through your thick skull that I was being flirty and not trying to dismantle your entire self image you dipshit. Don't come for my intelligence like some butthurt middle schooler." You flash him a tight lipped smile and push past him on your way out of the room. You head towards the doors to the building when a familiar face steps out into the hallway.

"Ms.Y/L/N," you turn to see Mr.Manning standing in the doorway to his office "are you alright? I heard yelling from Dr.Reid's room." You nod, glancing anxiously at the door to Spencer's room.

"I'm fine just a misunderstanding with Spencer, uhm- Dr.Reid- thank you though." You press against the door to open it but Mr.Manning reaches out and grabs your arm.

"A drink might help you relax, walking out of here with all that anger still inside you won't do either of you any good, believe me I've fought with my fair share of co workers." You prepare to decline but he smiles in a way that compels you to say yes "I'm a certified psychologist, Ms.Y/L/N, I'm happy to help you talk through your troubles if you'd like." You find yourself nodding despite the fact you want to go home.

"Great, come on in," he says and the moment the door clicks shut behind you, you get a terrible feeling that Mr.Manning has no prospects of helping you.

entirely right (professorreidxreader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt