June 6th Kent House 09:45am
Jon had been up for two hours because of the excitement, it was his birthday and he always got super excited during his birthday. Clark and Lois were currently in the kitchen making him breakfast pancakes."Jon honey come in here" Lois called
"On my way" Jon replied rushing in
Clark grabbed him by the back of his shirt
"No powers in the house" Clark said
"Fine" Jon sighed
"Now enjoy" Lois said putting a plate in front of him
"Thanks Mom" Jon said smiling a toothy grin
"Now eat up" Clark said
After Jon ate his pancakes they did presents before he got dressed and they headed out. Jon had no clue where they were going until after an hour of driving he saw the 'T' shaped building.
"Why are we here" Jon asked
"No reason, just need to get something off Dick before we begin the celebrations" Clark replied
"Okay then let's do it fast" Jon said
The three entered the Tower and got in the elevator and headed up to one of the top floors. Once there they entered the common room where everyone jumped out yelling Happy Birthday, everyone but Damian who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
"A surprise party" Jon exclaimed
"Happy Birthday Kiddo" Clark said ruffling his hair
"Your finally a teenager, which means now your officially a Teen Titan" Dick said
"Okay that's enough talk let's get this party started" Cassie said
They all began giving Jon his gifts and began the party while Damian snuck off when no one was watching and headed down to the training room
"You didn't think I wouldn't notice you leaving" Jon said
"I was hoping you wouldn't" Damian replied
"Your my friend, of course I did" Jon replied
"Here I got you something, I was going to get you a sword but I was told that was a terrible idea" Damian said handing him something
"A sword would have been cool" Jon exclaimed
"Your parents didn't seem to think so" Damian said
"Thanks for the card and money Damian" Jon said opening it
"Also, a correction on what you said earlier we aren't friends" Damian said
"Sorry" Jon replied
"Don't be you just left out a word, we are more like best-friends. But if you tell anyone I said this I will kill you" Damian said
"Yes finally, best birthday gift ever" Jon said hugging him
"You have ten seconds before I cut your arms off" Damian said
"Sorry, now come on let's go back upstairs" Jon said
"I don't like parties or crowds you go, I'll continue training" Damian replied
"Fine I'll see you later bestie" Jon teased
"Don't call me that" Damian said
"I won't make any promises" Jon replied leaving
As soon as Jon left Damian went back to the simulation and continued training. After awhile he was disturbed again but by Helena this time
"Yes" Damian asked jumping over the simulated enemies

Book I-Origins
FanfictionThis will be the first of three books, this one will be the backstories and origins of the main characters of this series moving forward and will centre itself on the Batfamily, Superfamily, The Titans, The Justice League and many others.