Doctor, doctor

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So this idea was suggested to me by RavenMistery

Warning contains sexual content....

Scenerio- Davina was in a car accident which has rendered her not being able to feel anything below her waist nor can she walk so she's having to learn how to walk again. Kol is assigned to her after her previous doctor gives up on her and things take a steamy turn during a session

Davina's pov

I was due to meet my new doctor today, who has been assigned to treat me and help me in walk therapy. My previous doctor apparently decided there was no hope for me to walk again and gave up so he asked to treat some other patient who actually had a chance of recovering.

Yeah I never liked that doctor anyway, he was an ass and he was just so rude and impatient. I could tell he would rather be anywhere else than with me.

4 months ago I made the stupid decision to sneak out to a party with my friend Elena and her boyfriend Damon who was our ride. The party was fun, I drank a little and I had seven minutes in heaven with some jock in a closet but on the way home, me and Elena didn't realise how drunk her boyfriend was until he started driving. I was clinging onto dear life hoping I wasn't going to die while Elena was screaming at him to slow down or stop altogether but Damon was apparently too drunk to comprehend her yelling at him to stop or me panicking in the backseat.

Damon swerved an oncoming car only for a truck to hit us right which sent the car rolling over and off the road, the car then went tumbling down a hill on the side of the road. 

The car was badly damaged, Damon got knocked out by the airbag as it came to a stop while Elena went unconscious on the way down while I didn't lose consciousness until a minute after the car stopped rolling but all I remember was pain in my legs and ringing in my head.

I woke up 20 minutes later to find myself strapped to a gurney and being rushed into a hospital and being whisked away to surgery. I was in so much pain and I was covered in blood from my head to my hand and to my legs. I ended up blacking out from the pain before doctors could give me anything to knock me out for surgery but they still did anyway in case I woke up during surgery.

I woke up several hours after the surgery ended and couldn't feel anything below my waist and was told that the nerves in my legs were damaged and that I was unable to walk. I didn't receive any other injuries apart from a small cut on the side of my head but that's it.

I was scared that I wasn't going to walk again but I was told there was a chance that I could walk again with the right treatment, time and therapy. However I'm still not able to walk despite having regained some feeling in one of my legs but again that's because of that jack ass of a doctor who clearly couldn't be bothered with me.

"Davina?" the nurse says poking her head in the room making me look at her "the doctors here" she says before disappearing and the door opens and the most handsome specimen of a man I've ever seen walks in with his head down as he's too busy looking at the clipboard in his hands. He has light chestnut brown hair which is swept to the side, a face that looks like it was carved by the gods with a sharp jaw line, small pink lips and a nice cleft chin with a lean but muscular torso with muscles bulging where his biceps are, he had nice long legs and big hands with long slender fingers. My eyes accidentally land on his crotch and I mentally appreciate the way his pants hug his thighs and hug his crotch nicely so there is some bulge on show.

I mentally curse myself as I realise how inappropriate I'm being and shake my head as I sit up. "Are you my new doctor?" I ask making him look up and I smile myself smiling slightly at the sight of his chocolate brown eyes. He just sort of pauses as he looks at me although I notice his eyes do a wondering trip down to my chest but hey I'm not going to say anything.

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