Yes I am alive.... busy with exams rn but here's a little taste.
"It's beautiful," he says in awe, his eyes simply absorbing his surroundings. The rush of the river, the twittering of the birds, everything undisturbed by human destruction and greed. Simple and pure, setting foot inside this cove feels like setting foot inside eve's garden. Every breath you breathe here seems like the first breath you have taken in years.
Every time I come here my breathe is knocked of my lungs by its natural beauty. This magical place with a waterfall and a river surrounded by grassy banks in the middle of a forest 20 minutes walk away of the the main town. Most days when I am not doing training with the Beta or doing my omega chores, I come here, to read, to clear my head or swim. Come sun, come rain this place is magnificently beautiful.
I look back at Carson, he is still absorbing this places beauty. I must have been looking him for a while because soon he noticed and smirk at me.
"See something you like?" he asked, I almost cried at how cringey and bad that sounded. But he was right, "Yeah, it is just too bad your personality and history come with it." I replied flippantly. He stepped back and looked away as though I had burnt him with my words. Good I thought now he knows how I feel whenever I look at him. I may have brought him here to to give a chance for Alexa my wolf's sake but that doesn't mean I have to like him. Mate or no, he KILLED my sister I may not be able to hate him because he is my mate, but sure as hell dislike him. Alexa paced back and forth in my mind, fighting the same conflict inside.
Carson finally looked back at me, those orbs brimming with emotions the orbs I gladly get lost in. "Angelique, you do not know me personally maybe you should only judge me when you do." My name left is tongue like a caress, it was the first time he said my name and all I could do was think of him repeating over and over again, but the rest of the sentence came out void of feeling, yet all the same it was gentle as though he were a hunter calming the doe he had just shot down before he slit her throat. I was the doe. I narrowed my eyes at him, summoning some of the faery magic I inherited from my mother using as a shield incase he decided to lash out at me. "I know who you are," I said eerily, "you are the man who raped and killed my sister."
He shook his head in disbelief stepping back 10 paces, as though he just realized the doe was actually a lion. Then he just looked confused as though the words were finally settling in, "How could I have RAPED someone if I myself am a virgin?" he asked raising a perfectly arched brow, I wondered he plucked his brows to get them so even and perfectly shaped. "Do you really think so little of me?" he continued looking hurt, "Do you think that I'd want to have sex without their consent?".
It was now my turn to look shocked and confused, yet I was still seething. "Yet you don't deny taking her life?"
He blanched at my words.
Hey lovies yes a cliffhanger cause I am tired of writing.

Alpha Rivalry
WerewolfAngelique Edwards is a normal seventeen year old teenager. Well except she is a werewolf and who should be next in line alpha of the Bloodline pack. She is an omega with many secrets. Carson Young is the ruthless alpha of the Moonlight Pack one of...