Part 57( A Day-off)

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One lovely morning and both  girls are now prepared to babysit...

Mother:Okay Avan ill be going now see ya later.


Cass:Okay Avan what do you want to do?

Avan:Well i wanna do...

Well lets just say thing went wild... Their kitchen was full of dough and flour.

Avan:This is Really fun!!!!!

Katie:Okay this is gonna take a while.

Cass:yeah... I mean he only used 8 bags of flour.

After sometime the whole kitchen was clean and Avan's mom arrived.

Mother:Oh hey Avan and.. Whoa.. Uhh i see you guys  had fun.


Avan:Super fun

Mother:well thanks again for taking good care of him, here is your payment.

Cass:thanks bye

Both then sat on thier sofa tired.

Katie:Im beat.

Cass:My feet are killing me.

Katie:My everything is killing me.

Then thier friends arrived, where they knocked on the door making katie and cass groaned.

Cass:Who is it?

Katie:Is it another kid?

Meyli:No its us..

Cass:Well come in.

Katie:Its open.

Nick:uhh... We can't its locked.

Both groaned even more.

Cass:Ill get it.

As she opened it.

Leslie:hey guys whoa you both look uhh.


Nick:what she meant is terribly fine?

Zac:How is it fine when its terrible?

Liam:Your logic is weird.

Cass:Oh dont mind that guys

Katie:we just finished out babysitting job and we are beat.

Nick:well my grandma gave this body cream that will heal your body pain.

Katie:Oh yes give it to me.

Cass:Oh me too.

Justin:Are you sure thats effective?



Drake:It has a minty smell.

Cass:Ahh that feels good.

Katie:Hey i feel weird.

Cass:So do i.

Nick:Oh i was about to say you should apply it before bed, because if you put it now it will-

Katie and cass:AHHH!!!! IT BUUUUUUUURNS!!!!!!

Luckily it wore off. After that thet went to the kitchen.

Cass:Ahh we have another appointment tomorrow.

Katie:Uhh.. I wanna rest.

Cass:But we need-

Katie And Cass (The story continues) Where stories live. Discover now