The goodbye

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Kate POV
I'm not coming back tomorrow or never
I looked at it that didn't make sense is she moving school ? No can't be she would never wait is SHE IS MOVING COUNTRY? I was started to sprint down the street turned left down again ok I'm here now

DING DONG the decrepit door bell squeaked it opened
"Oh hi Kate "Lucy said
"Lucy are you moving country?" I asked
"Yep I am "
"Um ..when are you leaving ?"
"Today "
"Well I have something here so that when you move you can think of me !"I took out a cute silver necklace with a locket saying BFF and inside there was a picture of us
"Thank you SOO much I will always remember you no matter what !"
"Luce it's time to leave ! We're going to miss the flight !" Her mother called from upstairs
"Wait just one more thing I was really selfish with that fight that we had I'm really sorry! " I said with as much feeling as possible
"Bye Kate I will always remember you ! "
We hugged our last hug FOREVER .....
A/n Hey guys did you like that ?please comment vote follow !

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