The Spirit Walk to Understanding

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Lady Violet wakes with a startling vision of pain and control. 

Remembering as the Shamans bring her back to the world of the living. She feels the cries of broken vessels as she walks upon the fragile soil. "Where am I?"

"You are in the seam of your life." a woman she knows and fears, for her powers are eternal. "Just like your life, should you choose NOT to end it."

Lady Violet gazes at all of the snapshots of where she has affected the Tapestry of Life. "I did this?"

"Not all but you are changing the pattern. A choice YOU made, even after you were warned. You weren't ready. You hadn't even learned to LOVE who you are." the cold from her powers begin to burn.

"So, I AM the bad guy." Lady Violet's form begins to writhe in the crisp clean air of the midnight sky.

"You are what you perceive you are capable of choosing in this present moment. You may choose to follow the path of your mother and see your life as a lost and forgone conclusion of slavery with NO REAL POWER." the Ice Queen embraces Violet.

A spark in Violet's heart begins to flicker, "I AM NO VICTIM!" She grows colder as her spark continues to break through the ice and bring just enough light for her to fight a little harder.

"This is why you fail. You don't understand the true power of surrender."

Just as the Ice Queen moves to place the Kiss of Dominance on her frostbitten lips, a gentle voice gives her a hint, "You're using the wrong source. Look in a different place ..."

Lady Violet inhales the icy cold mist and finds her strength within the water particles. Her form begins to adapt and she finds.

Herself standing in a meadow. There's a man looking out over the cliff.

His feelings so familiar, "What happened to you?"

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His feelings so familiar, "What happened to you?"

He looks at her, the wind speaks, "I got what I wanted and lost what I did it all for." They both just look out at the ocean. Neither could say for how long, didn't seem to matter. It was going to be over like it never happened. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts. "It's just it keeps happening. I'm starting to wonder is it my fault?"

Violet found herself hearing a sermon she knows she doesn't live. And instead says, "Maybe you're right. So ... about this regret? If it's YOUR fault, what can YOU change?" They both return to looking at the ocean. "Why is it so hard for us to enjoy a simple moment?"

"They're expensive." this time he actually speaks the words, instead of the wind. "That's how they remind you, without them, there's no happiness. Only the price feels like it's who you are so, why even have 'morals'? Ethics? What are those things anymore?"

"You ever wonder what happened to the world the day after Leeloo was activated? You know, the Fifth Element?" she looks at him with a determined seriousness.

His brows furrow, "No. Not really." He ponders for a moment. The wind begins to fill with melodies, "I've gotta go. I don't like why I come here. Now you've made me #hatetheway I feel to leave. Why?"

"So, you don't come back here," he looks confused. "There are many places to visit. You don't have to come to the one that's ONLY PURPOSE is to leave this life."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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