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Olivia Campbell

By the time my eyes fluttered open, the sun was already streaming in through the thin curtains. I was still curled up under the duvet, nestled into Niall's side.

I shouldn't be here.

We crossed a line and I'm sure as soon as Niall wakes up and realizes it, he'll regret ever asking me to stay the night. I've already learned the hard way about crossing lines when it comes to Niall.

Staying the night after a hookup is something I've strictly forbidden myself to do in the past. It ensures that neither person has much of an opportunity to develop feelings, which of course, can get messy. Liam has remained my only exception to this rule, and that's different because we're friends.

But that's where things get confusing; are Niall and I considered friends? We've spent quite a bit of time together without fucking. Last night he didn't make a single sexual advance on me after I told him I wasn't going to fuck him. He respected that. He still asked me to stay.

We're entering that grey area where the question of 'what are we' starts to become a forethought. I'm not about to bring it up and I doubt Niall would either. It's not like this needs a label.

It's just fucking; nothing more.

I should make this easier on both of us, establish a clear boundary, and just leave now before he wakes up.

Just as I made the decision to slip out and barely had the duvet lifted from my body, I felt Niall shift in his sleep beside me. He rolled to his side, pressing his chest right against my back and wrapped an arm over my waist to subconsciously pull me into him. Any thoughts of sneaking back to my own room completely left my mind—because all I could focus on was the presence of his hard cock being pressed against me.

If we're meant to only have a good time and fuck, then maybe we should do just that.

A shiver traveled down my spine at the sound of the subtle moan leaving Niall's mouth. His breath on the back of my neck didn't help either, as I felt my skin getting hotter just thinking about what he could possibly be dreaming of right now.

Niall shifted again, rolling onto his back and kicking some of the covers away from him with one leg. I took the opportunity to follow suit, and I moved myself to straddle his other leg. I could hear his breathing start to become slightly uneven as he slowly wakes up.

His face was illuminated by the morning light, forcing me to take in the details. The bruises under his eyes and on his jaw were still dark, and his bottom lip looked as if it had split open again at some point, seeming fresher than the rest of the damage.

Part of me feels sick to my stomach thinking about what Niall had to endure to be left with this kind of evidence on him. The other part of me thinks it makes him look really fucking hot.

Niall inhaled deeply through his nose as he finally started to wake up. He must've felt the restraint of my body on his leg when he tried to move it, because after a few seconds he opened his eyes slightly.

"Morning, sunshine," Niall mumbled, squinting from the brightness of the room. His hands gravitated to rest on my thighs immediately, greeting me with a light squeeze.

"Good morning," I said, unable to stop my lips from turning upwards.

"You stayed," he whispered softly, rubbing his thumbs over my skin. The content smile on his face made me question why I was ever going to leave.

"I did," I answered. "What were you dreaming about?" I teasingly let my nails graze his chest, coming to a stop on his chiseled abs and watching them flex at my touch.

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