Chapter 18

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When I entered the hallway the next day with Bran, I knew something was up. Many students were gathered around in the middle of the hallway.

When I also made it to the circle, I noticed a leggy brunette in the centre. I nudged Brandon with my elbow.

The brunette's eyes fell on mine and she smirked as Chelsea snorted.

"You must be Ramara."

"And you are?"

I felt Brandon's arm around my shoulder.

"I'm your cuz silly. Scarlett Hayden." She held out her hand and I reluctantly shook it.

Then, she roved her eyes up and down Bran's body, licking her upper lip and I instantly disliked her. It didn't take much for me to dislike a person. But, I'd give her the benefit of doubt since she was my cousin.

Still, her eye-fucking Brandon? Yeah, that was a crime in my book.

She threw herself at me and I lost my balance momentarily, but Brandon balanced me.

She looked into my eyes.
"I'm so excited to live with you!" She squealed.

I gave her a small smile at her excitement. This was definitely a first for me.

"We have first period together! Let's go."

She started dragging me and I looked back at Brandon. He quirked a brow at me and shrugged, walking to his first class.

"You have to tell me all about your new step dad. How's he like?" She asked with a bright smile. She sure was a sight, I'd give her that.

"He's okay... I guess." Her smile fell at that.

"That's it?"

"I guess you can see for yourself." I shrugged.

Her smile was back. "Oh yes."

We took our respective seats and Mrs. Hennessy began her monologue.

At lunch, me, Dahlia and Brandon sat together with me in the middle. I listened to Dahlia talk about her favorite chemical reactions when Scarlett suddenly wedged her body between mine and Brandon's.

I turned to her. "Hi."

She beamed at me. "I hope you don't mind if I sit here."

I shrugged. "Not at all."

This time, Bran openly scowled at her.

Scarlett looked at him and grinned, but he didn't return it, and resumed eating his burger.

"Let me drop you off." Bran offered.

"No, it's fine. You picked me up this morning, remember?"

"I'll do it till you find a way of transportation."

"Well, if you insist." I wiggled my eyebrows.

Just then, I saw Scarlett rushing toward us.

"Can I come too. My car should come tomorrow. Please?" She pleaded with me and I looked at Brandon.

He nodded at Scarlett. Before, I could get into the passenger seat, Scarlett beat me to it, so I took my place in the backseat.

This time, Brandon didn't even conceal his anger. It wasn't playful anger either. His jaw was ticking and his eyebrow was twitching as he glared at Scarlett. He was seriously fucking angry.

He crossed his arms and didn't make a move to start the car.

"I don't think I invited you to sit in the front."

Bran was nice to most, but not all. Looks like Brandon didn't like Scarlett.

She pouted and climbed into the backseat, her ass near Brandon's face. As she settled in next to me, Brandon turned to face her.

"You're fooling yourself if you think you can seduce me." He spoke blankly.

There was a tilt of Scarlett's lips and a gleam in her eye.

"Get up front little flame." He spoke to me this time. Something in his tone akin to worry made me move to the front.

I saw Scarlett's sneer in the rearview mirror, but I shrugged it off.

As we rode in silence, I asked Brandon, "How's Cole?"

"We broke up yesterday."

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.
"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"Were you free today for me to talk to you?" He narrowed his eyes and I narrowed mine back.

Scarlett was constantly by my side. I got what it was like to be in a new place and she considered me as her family.

"Why?" I asked him.

He attention went back to the road.
"It just wasn't working out."

"You know I would've come to your house with a shit ton of junk food if you told me."

He smirked. "I wasn't that sad. It felt right to break it off."

"There goes my excuse of stuffing my face with sugar."

"You'd do that any day regardless of my break up."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He pulled up into the gravel driveway and I thanked him for dropping me off and got out of the car. Scarlett jumped out too.

I waved at Brandon as he drove off.

"Brandon's gay." I told her casually.

She shrugged. "Figured as much. Who could resist this?" She gestured to herself.

I frowned at that.

"Just kidding!" She laughed and started to go to the front door.

The door opened and Geoff stood there.

I walked past him and saw Scarlett beaming up at him, ready to hug him, but she must've seen something in his face that stopped her short.

"You must be Geoff Vasily. I'm Scarlett Hayden. Aunt Sheila must have told you about me."

Geoff didn't say anything, but sent a dark glare my way which of course, I returned with my own.

She held her hand out for him to shake, but he just jerked his head in acknowledgement.

She closed the door behind her and stared up at Geoff.

"Where's my room?" I saw Geoff's jaw tic.

"Upstairs. Third door to the right." He spoke to her and he didn't even bother showing it to her. No surprise there.

As soon as Scarlett disappeared, Geoff stormed to me and gripped my hair in his fist tugging me to his chest.

I pushed him off me, but as always, my attempts were futile. He was much stronger than me, not to mention a foot and some inches taller than me.

I knew he was dragging me to the confession room.

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