Chapter 17

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Carly's POV

Toby and I are in the back of Wilbur's car laughing at little things the other would do until his phone started ringing. "Oh it's Schlatt" He stated looking surprised. "What does he want?" Wil questioned. "I don't know" He said before answering the facetime call. "Tubbo what's up man?" Schlatt asked when the call connected. "Nothing much boss man just going to the zoo with my girlfriend" He stated with a blush on his face until my brother coughs a bit.

"Yeah and Wilbur is here too" He laughed. "Why is Wilbur chaperoning?" Schlatt asked with a laugh. "Oh that's because I'm dating his sister" Toby said with a smile. "Oh fuck that's hilarious. Wait Wilbur has a sister?" He laughed until he processed Toby's words. "William I feel very unloved, you didn't mention me to any of your friends?" I asked in shock. "Well I didn't want anyone to use you for views and I didn't think you'd want them to know." He said looking a bit embarrassed.

"Well I mean I literally got a boyfriend from you telling your friends about me" I stated and I heard an awe come from Toby and Schlatt. "Can I meet her, I want to see if she looks like Wilbur" He laughed. Toby laughed while handing me the phone. "Hello" I awkwardly waved at the camera then I heard Schlatt start dying with laughter. "Holy shit you two could be twins" He said after he calmed down.

"But you also look like you kill orphans for fun, smile will ya" He then laughed again. I gave him a confused look before realizing I look very grungy today. "Goodbye Schlatt we made it to the zoo" Wilbur said parking the car. "Well bye then, have fun kids" He said before hanging up. "So that was Schlatt" Toby laughed putting his phone back in his front pocket. "Come on love let's go" He said excitedly as we got out of the car.

Tubbo's POV

We've been wandering around the zoo looking at the different animals when I hear an excited gasp come from Carly. "KIWIS" She shouted, her voice full of excitement. She grabbed my hand and we ran over to the kiwi bird habitat. "Look how cute they are" She smiled looking at the birds walking around the enclosure being happy. "Toby I'm going to cry" She said giving me puppy dog eyes. "I know love they're cute" After I said that I saw Wilbur running up to us.

"Why'd you guys lea- oh never mind I can see why" He cut himself off looking at the kiwis. "William can we get one?" She asked. "No pip squeak" He said patting her head. "Please please please" She pleaded. "If you can catch a wild one then sure" He joked, we started laughing when she started jumping excitedly. "YES WE NEED TO GO TO NEW ZEALAND BEE" She shouted hugging me and continuing to jump.

A few hours later we are back in the car ten minutes away from Carly and Wilbur's house. I smile looking down at a sleeping Carly on my shoulder. "Thank you for taking us to the zoo today Wilbur, I really appreciate it" I thanked him petting Carly's hair slightly. "Yeah it's no problem Tubbo. It's nice to see my sister happy, as you know she doesn't have the best relationship with our parents anymore so seeing her in a happy relationship makes me feel like having her live with me was the right thing to do" Wilbur said giving me a small sad smile.

"I feel real bad for her. I know she is upset about it, she's called me many times at night after she's had a night terror about that day." I stated looking down at her once more. "I didn't know about the night terrors. She never shared that with me" Wilbur said as we pulled into his driveway. "Here don't wake her up, I'll just put her to bed." Wil said getting out of the car. He walked over to Carly's side and picked her up.

He tossed me his keys so I could unlock and open the door. I let him go in first and he walked in Carly's room. "Hey do you want to stream with me? We could play uno or something" Wilbur asked coming back from her room. "Sure sounds fun." I replied following him to his room. We set up the stream pretty quick and we decided to play uno. "Hello chat welcome back, I have Tubbo with me today" Wilbur said talking to his chat.

"Hello chat" I said waving to the camera. "So we are going to play a few rounds of uno then we'll probably stay in just chatting." Wilbur explained before dealing the cards.

'''Time Skip'''

Carly's POV

I woke up in my room very confused. Last thing I remember all of us were in the car. I'm guessing my brother brought me in here. I thought to myself getting out of bed. I go over to the lounge and see no one there. I see Toby's yellow hoodie on the sofa so I grabbed it and put it on before walking over to my brother's room. As I get closer to his room I hear Toby shout at Wil. I knock lightly on the door hearing Wil shout that he's streaming but if I still wanted I could come in.

I walk into his room seeing him and Toby playing uno. "Hello lo- uh Carly, did you have a nice nap?" Toby asked stuttering a bit almost saying love. "Yeah it was nice" I yawned grabbing a chair and sitting next to my brother. Toby and Wil finished their game of uno and we were just answering questions. A little bit ago Wilbur got up from his chair and I took it so that I was sitting next to Toby and my brother is on my right.

"Uh no" Wil said answering a question. A donation came in asking if Toby and I were dating, all we could do was blush while trying to laugh it off. "Okay chat it was fun hanging out but it's time that we end stream, thank you for tuning in bye" Wilbur then ended stream and let out a sigh. "Sorry about that you two, I'll be sure to put out a warning to the fans to tell them to stop asking those types of questions." "It's alright Wilbur, they are going to find out sooner or later so I'll do a stream soon addressing it." Toby said taking my hand. 


Word Count: 1097

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