I'm so sorry it took so long but this chapter actually has a big meaning to the story so I had to think a lot about it.
Chapter songs:
One -- Ed Sheeran
Tenerife Sea-- Ed Sheeran
Comment and vote please<3
His right hand slowly trails my collar bone as his other hand touches every single space in my skin. He pushes his hips against mine and a sob scapes my lips.
"You know that this will never end, right? You know that I will always crave your body as mine, until the day you die." He whispers into my ear. I try moving out of his grip but it seems impossible.
"And... you know-" I breath heavily as his hands travel inside my sweatshirt.
"I know nothing, little. All I seem to know right now is how much its going to hurt. I will revive that awesome night with you right now." I start crying as realisation hits me. He can't be stopped. His left hand caresses my jaw and I shiver.
"He will kill you." I smile. I know he will.
A loud banging on the door makes his hands stop and I realise that Harry is here. That he isn't going anywhere. He promised.
"Hols, open the door!" He bangs the door again.
"I was never here, got it? If you tell him that I was here I will kill that boy, how was he called? Oh, yes. Alex. Do you understand me?" I nod, tears streaming down my eyes as he whispers in my ear. "This hasn't ended jet." And just like that, he was gone. His presence no where to be felt. Its as if he vanished into the thin air.
"Harry..." I whisper. His voice gets caught up in my throat. "Harry..." I swipe my hair out of my hair gasping for air.
"Natalie, open the godamn door!" He shouts. I can't move. I can't breath. I can't seem to react. I can't seem to see clearly, my vision blurring. I am dying.
Just as I feel like passing away, the door is kicked open and there is a strong figure before me. He looks at me and I see a hint of pleasure.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to do with you." He says as he kneels beside me. I feel a mixture of disappointment and fear. What is wrong with Harry? Why is he saying this? "I'm so sorry, Natalie. Hope you forgive me someday." He mumbles and then, nothing. I fade away.
My eyes flicker. Where am I? I open my eyes to see the roof I've get so used to seeing. I instantly feel insecure. Why am I here? What the heck am I doing at my house? I look around my room. The only light comes from a candle on top of my night stand. Every single part of my body hurts. I try to incorporate and a small cry scapes my lips. I just feel like a big bruise. I slowly get the candle and I start looking around my room... Was this all a dream? Is Harry even real? What is wrong with my head? And in that instant I know it.
Someone is playing with my head.
"Harry, I feel you." I whisper. I do, I feel his presence yet I can't see him. I feel a shadow moving behind me. I quickly turn around. Nothing. "Harry?" And I feel his hand on my hip, spinning me around.
His green eyes aren't green anymore. The warmth in his body is gone, replaced with cold. His grip tightens around my hip. He pushes me against his body. The candle that once was on my hand falls to the ground. His lips don't have their normal color. I was bout to question him when his mouth starts to travel up and down my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck. His two hands grab my hips and I'm thrown against him. My body craves his. My body need his. But something is out of place. His body isn't warm anymore. As his hands travel up my shirt and I'm thrown against the wall with his strength. He lifts my hips so that my legs are wrapped against him. And in that second, our lips touch. His tongue plays with mine, teasingly. My hand plays with his curls and he pushes himself against my body. A moan manages to scape his lips. And somehow, I find my arms pinned above my head. Our lips never leaving one another. His free hand pushes my hips against the wall with so much strength it hurts. I break the kiss. His mouth traveling down my neck and collar bone. His fingers dig into my hip and in that moment I feel fear.
"Harry, you are hurting me." I quiver under his strength. What is wrong with him?
His lips stop and our eyes lock. I see a small grin on his lips. My chest rising and lowering in between the two of us. His free hand dugs a strike of hair behind my ear, then leans in and whispers into my ear "That's the point." And my heart stops. I feel how the colour on my face drains away and I want to run. I want to run away from him. The only person I thought I could actually believe in.
"Wh-what?" I stumble with the words. "What are you say-"
"I'm sorry Natalie." He slowly says as his hands rise to my face and then, I'm dead. No more suffering. No more 'I hope I'd die'. It's done, I am dead. No more happiness. No more 'what will happen tomorrow?'. I am dead, and no one can do anything. And the most scaring part of all was that I was killed by the boy I thought I could relay on. Because the only flaw I had was believing that I was actually saved by a boy I barely knew. I never thought about how he really found me the first day we meet. I never thought about how he found me in that alley that night. I never asked how he knew where my house was. I never asked how he knew that it was my birthday. I never truly thought any of this things trough. And now I'm dead.
All of this makes me regret how I truly trusted him. Because I shouldn't had believed in him. I shouldn't had believed how he promised me he would never leave. How he said he knew I would go through this. How he said every single thing I was craving to hear, only to be killed by the same boy that gave me the only strike of light in my life. And now I am dead. I will never truly know if I would had been happy. I will never be able to say 'I made it'. I'm dead and no one is able to change that. Because hope is nothing compared to love. Hope is nothing. It's just a simple illusion that some need to carry on. And now,
I am dead.

"нope" [h.s.]
FanfictionYou know what true pain is when you find yourself loosing hope. They didn't believe in love. They only believed in the devil. They believed that darkness is where the demons hide. Sometimes love wins darkness, but sometimes they can destroy a person...