Hello, I'm back !! I've finally completed all my exams in school - tho I still have to prepare some presentations xD I'm so excited to finally continue the story and so sorry for your waiting, I hope you haven't turned bored yet!
Have fun reading!
—————»Uhh, uhmmm... hi.. people?« you awkwardly say with a sweaty smile, not knowing how to act or what to say - all eyes are fixed on you.
»Here, take a seat. I'll introduce everyone to you - come on! Don't be shy~« Tsaritsa then says, indicating that you should sit down on one of the empty seats.
You do as she says but only keep looking at her, too afraid to look at all these other harbingers in the room.Scaramouche also took a seat by now, but there's still one empty seat next to you.
»where is he??« you mumble, but then someone slams the door open again. You turn around and see Childe standing there, out of breath.»Ah, you also finally arrived, Tartaglia.« Tsaritsa says, looking at him reproachfully.
»I- uhh, I had to.. I had to sort some things out with our.. agents, you know« He replies, slowly approaching the seat next to you.
»whatever, sit down. Anyways, let's get to our main subject then - my dear harbingers, this is y/n. You all probably heard of her already, and she's now one of us. Please, welcome her.« Tsaritsa says, looking at the eleven harbingers sitting around the huge table.
»Oh, what a cute fragile girl we have here.. Mhh, she looks a little bit suspicious.. how about I'll take her into my room for the first few days? You know.. just to make sure she's respectful and loyal towards us~« one of the harbingers suddenly teasingly says.
Your head suddenly turns bright red as you hear this - this guy does probably not have any good intentions with you.»I- uhh-«
But before you can say anything, Childe cuts you off. »HEY! Tsaritsa already checked her multiple times, she's fine and will help us with our plans. There's no need for her to be with you« he growls at the other harbinger.
»Oh? Spitting out big words huh??« the guy then says and stands up. Childe then also stands up and furiously looks at him.
»Sit down« he suddenly orders and growls with a voice so deep and frightful it makes you tremble. The guy looks back at Childe and finally sits down again - I think they weren't lying when they said that Childe's the most feared harbinger of them all.»Guys, guys! No need to fight over our new member. I know that she looks so innocent and sweet~ but that doesn't mean that she will be towards you. So you all are better respectful towards her« Tsaritsa then interrupts the talking.
»I've seen it with my own eyes, this girl can beat y'all's asses~« Another harbinger Lady suddenly says - it was Signora.
»Oh so she's worthy to fight?? Oh dear, y/n, what about a battle outside later-« another harbinger replies to Signora's statement, but Tsaritsa cuts the mumbling off again.
»HEY! All of you, listen up. I know that a new member is always exciting, but give her some space. All of you will have enough time to get to know her soon - she'll be staying with us.« She says, leaning over the table.
»But what's more important at the moment.. is her brother. You all know the plan already - we'll soon head off to find him - and then catch him.«»Wait!!« you suddenly interrupt Tsaritsa.
»W- What even is the Plan? Do you already know where.. he is??«»We're pretty sure about his location, but it's changing now and then. Anyways, there's one important spot where he always comes back to. That's probably his or.. their headquarter.« Tsaritsa replies.
»F- for real?? A- and how are we-«
»We'll take you with us and send you out in this place as a bait. He will approach you, there's no way he won't. And when he's close enough.. well, then some of us will run up to him and catch him. The others will hold back anyone who tries to interrupt our act. We have to make him unconscious first which might be not that easy, but with enough time we'll do it. And you.. well, all you really have to do is to try to not get killed by him.« Another harbinger interrupts you - he has blue hair and wears a white-blue mask. He also seems pretty knowledgeable.
»Well summed up, Dottore.« Tsaritsa replies.
»Make him unconscious?? And I should try to not get killed?? Uh- O- okay.. and.. when will we head off..?« you add, not really knowing what to say to this.
»Soon. We still have to wait for the perfect moment. But still.. all of you should be prepared to leave any time soon. Got it?«»understood!« everyone suddenly says at the same time.
»and.. what about you, y/n?« Tsaritsa says and looks at you with everyone else.
»I- Uh- Understood!« you then quickly spit out.
»Alright everyone! That's it for now. You all can leave again, but let me remind you again: don't overwhelm our new member. She's still a little hurt from what has happened. And if I hear anything about someone hurting her in any way, I will personally give him a.. not so nice lesson, harbingers.« Tsaritsa threatens the other members, which actually gives you a slight feeling of safety in here.
Everyone then stands up and starts walking out of the room, except from Childe and Tsaritsa. You don't really know what to do or where to go, so you wait for Childe to get you back to your room again - but as he looks back at you, he only indicates that you should leave the room alone as well.
»huh? But-« you mumble, but then a hand grabs your arm and drags you out of the room.
»hey! Let me go-« you first say, but then feel how he let's go of you again after you two left the room and looks at you.»Ugh. You still have a lot to learn. If our "oh so feared harbinger" has to talk to Tsaritsa, you better not interrupt them. Just a tip aside.«
Scaramouche says, annoyingly looking at you.»Man, why are you always so grumpy?? You could be a little nicer to me since I'm.. one of you all now..« you says, crossing your arms.
»UGH. You're just so annoying. Just go to your room now.« he only replies and turns around to walk away.
»HEY!« you shout, grabbing his wrist.
»Please, just listen to me for a second. I-... I know that it can be hard sometimes. I know that.. a lot of people hide their.. their feelings behind this mask, you know.. this mask of being strong and.. and defensive.. I.. I mean I'm not saying that you do, but-.. if there's anything you want to talk about.. I would like to listen to it. So don't hesitate to-«Scaramouche's face suddenly turned from an annoying one into a shocked and aggressive one as he turns around.
»What the hell are you saying?!« he then growls, slamming you against the wall behind you.
»Are you trying to say that I'm weak?!? Oh ho, little girl.. you shouldn't have said that« he furiously says, forming his hands into wrists. Purple electric zaps are beginning to form around them.»W-What?! No, no I didn't mean it like this!! I-« you stutter, not knowing what to say. You.. just wanted to help him.
But Scaramouche already places his arm as if he's about to punch you.
»Stop!! I don't want to fight you-«»SCARAMOUCHE!!« the voice of Tsaritsa then suddenly makes you both tremble. Scaramouche quickly lets go of you, but still looks at you furiously.
Tsaritsa, followed by Childe, is now standing next to you two, observing the situation.