Chapter 10

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Tris POV

"What the hell was that?" I turn to Tobias, my anger bubbling inside me. He looks at me, his eyebrows furrowed, as if I am a question on a blackboard he is trying to find the answer to.

"I didn't want that to happen," he starts, talking quietly, gently, as if I'm fragile. This just infuriates me even more. "I tried to stop it."

"Well you should have tried harder!" I shout, forgetting the limp body of Kiara at my feet.

I try to storm out of the room, but I can only walk at a very slow pace. I am grateful when I reach my wheelchair, as my legs are numb from the effort of standing. I push myself out of the room, with powerful movements. I stop just as I reach the door to look at Tobias. He is still standing in the same position as he was a minute ago. "I suggest you do something with her." I say, gesturing to Kiara, who is still lying on the floor.

I push myself out of the door, and through the hallways towards my apartment. My anger finally explodes as soon as I get inside. I stand, and push my chair away so hard that it topples onto its side, its wheels spinning in the air.

I walk into the bedroom, and collapse onto the bed, screaming into my pillow. I scream until my throat is sore, and then I just lie there, my head buried underneath my pillow, with my eyes closed. I must fall asleep, because I can't remember much else.
Tobias POV

I don't move Kiara, I just storm out a few minutes after Tris. I can't go back to the apartment, because I know she will be there, and she needs time to cool down before we talk about this. Instead, I go to the control room in search for peace. There is only one other person working when I get there, so I take my place at my computer and switch the screen on. I don't know his long I am there, but when the corridors start to get noisy again, I decide to leave.

I walk slowly back to the apartment, procrastinating, and when I get there, I open the door carefully. Tris' wheelchair is flung beside the door, and is lying on its side. I pick it up, slowly pushing it to the side of the room.

I walk into our bedroom, and see Tris, lying face down on our bed, asleep. I glance at the clock, and it reads 9:30 pm.

I decide to go to bed, but I cannot leave Tris like that all night. I try to wake her by shaking her shoulder, but she is in a deep sleep. She is already in pyjamas, so I carefully lift her into my arms. It is then that I realise how thin she still is. I can feel every vertebrae in her back as I lift her, and she is very light.

I pull back the covers on her side of the bed, gently placing her down and ticking the duvet around her chin. I pull off my shirt, so I am just in jogging bottoms, and climb into bed beside her. I kiss her forehead, and lie with my eyes shut.

Tris POV
I am back in that room again with Peter, but this time I'm not in the chair, Tobias is. Peter pulls out the gun and plants a quick bullet in Tobias' stomach. His scream of pain is the worst sound in the world, and his eyes connect with mine, begging for me to help him. I try to move forward, but I seem to be glued to the spot. For what seems like hours I have to stand there and watch Tobias suffer, screaming out to him, until he goes limp and slumps in his chair.

I wake, screaming, as I try to breathe normally. I can't shake the image of Tobias' lifeless eyes from my mind as I breathe heavily, my lungs screaming for oxygen.

I feel Tobias' strong arms wrap around me and he brings me into his chest. I can feel his heartbeat on my back. He buries his head into my hair.

"It was only a dream." He whispers over and over again into my ear, and I let his words seep through me, and lull me into a dreamless sleep.

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