If I entered the Free! Warty Awards for 2015, would you all vote for me? >///<
If you all do, I'll make a second and third epilogue! ;)
Tell me what you all think!

Translucent Waters (Nanase Haruka Love Story) (Free! Iwatobi Swimming Club)
Fanfiction~1st Place Winner of the AnimeWattyAwards Free! Category~ Mizushima Kasumi is a girl who used to swim competitively. However, now, she focuses only on her studies with a solemn face and a monotonous voice. She rarely expresses her feelings publicly...
Free! Watty Awards
If I entered the Free! Warty Awards for 2015, would you all vote for me? >///<
If you all do, I'll make a second and third epilogue! ;)
Tell me what you all think!