Louis tried to forget about the whole Harry-scared-me-and-now-I've-officially-ruined-his-day situation, but it isn't quite so easy to not remember a stranger who he embarrassed himself in front of earlier and then tripped over the same guy's feet, and finally upset that guy for the cherry on top.
He had been contemplating whether or not to run upstairs and find Harry to apologize for the past hour, but still found himself organising returned books by reception. His shift was nearly over, but what he was most scared about was that Harry would leave before he found the courage to go up to him and apologize.
He kept making pathetic excuses to not go upstairs; the crime-thrillers are organised backwards, the new books haven't been put correctly on the shelves, this one random book needs to be taken out of the shelf and put back into the exact same spot - in short he was stalling.
Finally he decided to stop being a prick and go find Harry. He wanted to make sure he hadn't sent the boy into a depressive episode that will ruin his life forever, and cause him to run away to Alabama and start a goats' cheese factory line. He wandered his way towards the unmissable mahogany stairway in the centre of the room, pretending as though he had absolutely no intention of heading upstairs.
He sighed and slid his hands into his pockets, trudging up the stairs. He rarely went up there; there wasn't much organisation needed as mainly university students and sensible people went there, and often they placed the books back correctly.
It didn't take long to find him; leaning against a shelf and flicking through Campbell Biology 11th Revised Edition, one hand in his pocket and a pen tucked behind his ear.
Hi. Hello. Good morning. Does it even count as morning? It's nearly noon. Fucking hell this is so hard. Hey there! I'm the guy you scared the fuck out of and I yelled at you and now I feel bad so I've come back to apologize. What the actual fuck?
After five whole minutes of panicking, Louis stopped hiding behind a shelf and made his way towards Harry - there's no turning back now.
Louis cleared his throat as he approached, making Harry look up. Green eyes landed on Louis' face, he panicked.
"Hey, er, are you alright?" Louis asked. Shit.
"Um, yeah, I'm good thanks," Harry muttered. He itched behind his ear, making the pen that was sitting ther fall off and land on the floor. "Fuck," the boy whispered, crouching down to pick it up; he was just as nervous as Louis was.
"Erm, look, I just wanted to apologize about earlier," Louis sighed, biting his lip and staring at the glossy wooden floor. "I didn't mean to yell and, well, I dunno I guess I just couldn't take a laugh." Harry didn't respond. Louis looked up.
Harry was staring at Louis with his lips pursed, clearly trying to hold back a laugh.
"What?" Louis said impatiently.
Harry shook his head. The corner of his pink lips twitched.
"Carry on," he said simply, biting back a smirk.
"Um, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I guess," Louis continued. Harry still didn't respond. "It would help if you said something," Louis said bitterly.
"Alright then, let's see," Harry said with a small smirk. "Ermm, my name's Harry Styles, I'm 19, and um, I work in a bakery." What the fuck? His voice was deep and drawled on slowly, with large pauses between his words. Louis hated it. "How are you, Louis with an s not an e?"
Louis could've punched Harry square in the nose. Or balls. Whatever hurts more. Probably balls.
"Are you just going to ignore everything I just said?" he asked irritably, blinking more than he usually would. The nerve of this boy was enough to send him to the goat's cheese factory in Alabama.
"What did you just say?" Harry said, pulling out a full, dimples-showing smirk.
"Are you on crack?" Louis yelled, louder than he should have in a library.
"Shh, people are studying," Harry whispered, flirtatiously bringing a finger to his lips.
"You know what? Fuck it. Fuck it, fuck you," Louis grumbled through a clenched jaw. "I came here to apologize and if you want to act like a fucking dick, so fucking be it."
The audacity of a stupid, two-faced, curly, green-eyed prick had every right to be put in its place.Harry raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips; he was merely amused.
"Well then, Louis, I accept your heartfelt apology," he replied, pronouncing the silent s in Louis' name.
"You know exactly how much of a git you are," Louis gritted, as though he hadn't said enough. "You trip me up and make me fucking bruise my knee, then you start fucking crying and storm off and leave me feeling guilty for ruining your day. What kind of a wanker does that?"
"This wanker right here," Harry chuckled, patting a hand to his chest as though he was proud of it. "And for the record, I wasn't crying, I just thought it would be best to fuck off 'cause you seemed so angry."
"Real witty," Louis grumbled. He was still making up a very rude and badass line to end the conversation with, and working out which direction to storm in, leaving the boy in a puddle of mystery and awe. Its hard to be sassy with this strange boy.
"Hey, I told you my life story, your turn now," Harry said, talking as though they were now friends.
"And why should I be talking to you whilst I have work to do?" Louis huffed, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah right, your work seems to involve a lot of taking books off shelves and then putting them back in the exact same place," Harry scoffed, talking far too slow and moving his hands as though to demonstrate what Louis had been doing for the past hour.
Louis' cheeks burned; he didn't need a mirror to know that he was red in the face.
"So, I'm guessing your surname also doesn't end with an e?" Harry asked innocently.
Louis might as well play along, as his badass last words weren't working out.
"Louis Tomlinson, 21, I work here and have the social skills of a rat, so if you're trying to be friendly, it won't work," he grumbled, raising his eyebrows in a judging manner.
"Eh, worth a shot, you seemed like the friendly type," Harry shrugged, scratching the back of his head innocently.
"And I don't seem like that anymore?" Louis questioned, raising an eyebrow and scoffing.
"You literally just told me that you have the social skills of a rat, so I think that counts as not being friendly," Harry said with a soft laugh, an almost sarcastic laugh.
"Never said I wasn't friendly, I'm just not all that social," Louis muttered bitterly. He wasn't getting anywhere with this son of a bitch. What was he even saying? But for some reason he didn't want the conversation to end. Like a song. Or a book. Or a movie.
"Prove it."
Louis raised an eyebrow.
"You say you're not not friendly, but you've been pretty nasty to me so far," Harry shrugged. Nasty? I've been nasty?
"Yeah, well, you deserved it, you scared me out of my skin," Louis huffed. He almost regretted it after he saw the corners of Harry's mouth twitch.
"If you say so," he chuckled, leaning back against the wall. Louis glared at him for a second, before starting to turn on his heel. As much as he strangely didn't want it to, the conversation had to end at some point.
"I have work to do, bye," Louis grumbled.
"Bye, Louisssss," Harry said, elongating the silent s like a snake would.
A/N: nobody is reading my storyyyyyyy but i do these random authors notes anywayssssssssss i was bored so i did something productive instead of moping around aimlessly so ur welcome bitch xx
Anyways heres ya chapta ty for reading

RandomLouis hates a messy life. He despises it. But only until a certain curly-haired weirdo messes it up so bad that he just can't let go.