Important note

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First of all, thank you so much for all the reads! And for anyone who voted at all, I love you <3

Now, I have something important to discuss with you and that is: I will be taking a little break from posting anything new for a while. It's a just tiny little break though, because I want to work a little on my original book and you will not be left hanging by me because I do plan on having a few new, interesting things coming for you over the rest of June and all of July, but as for the next book of the series, it will only be posted in August, I hope you forgive me. 

I just really need a little time to work on a few other things, but I promise... Stick around and on the second semester of the year, I will have a few VERY exciting things that I've been planning for a LONG time. Also, there will be new fics coming your way and this one will be finished, so not to worry.

I hope you understand and, please, don't leave me hahah. I'll try to keep you as entertained and involved as I possibly can, so... Yeah, anyway, that's it, I guess.

For now, that's it, I guess. I hope you're enjoying the story!

Stay safe

Lots of love <3

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