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Hi guys.


It's been a while huh?

Your probably wondering where I have been and, why I stoped working on this book.

Well, believe it or not it was not because I didn't want to do it anymore. I mean, you could say that but overall there is a deeper meaning. It's not cause I was unmotivated, I mean yea I was but not for this damn long. It's not because I fell out of the fandom or didn't wanna be in it, but.

It's because I can't go back.

A few years ago, the summer of 2019, there was a lot of strange RP drama and stuff going on. Though it was fun it was never really stressful.

The comunity was amazing. I made so many amazing freinds through it. I even met one of my idols and some of the circus crew. Hell I even got talked about by Zoozy in a good way, befriended P00FYZ, frostix draws, now known as 'not zippy' or 'zippy', and met so many amazing pepole along the way.

But there is one thing this comunity did too me.


It can't 

And will never be able to

Take back.

One day, I met somebody.

For the next few years or so,

That person.

Became my abuser.

I fell in love with them

And I thought they cared.


They did not.

They did not care for any of us.


(Tw: self harm, suicide mentions, manipulation)


Used me.

They used us.

And I

Hurt myself.

I was so close to just fucking ending it all.

They would stalk me, with bot accounts so they could go at me for every little private or personal thing.

They turned

Almost everyone against me.

And I would be lying if I said they failed to traumatize me.

Talking about this, is really hard. I'm genuinely crying and shaking right now, but after this afternoon when I thought about them and looked up there user, I reported them. I don't even know why I looked them up or why I thought roblox would care it's not like they ever did before.

But, I did.

I played the circus in the sky again and

Kinda had a breakdown

'Wear sunglasses to pretend your not cryingWear sunglasses to pretend your not cryingWear sunglasses to pretend your not cryingWear sunglasses to pretend your not cryingWear sunglasses to pretend your not cryingWear sunglasses to pretend your not crying'


I got through it.


I needed to tell you all.

I won't be giving the user names away because well, I don't want her or anyone else that knows her finding this and coming after me again.

If you really wanna know, you can DM me. But, you need to promise to me, swear on your life if you know them you won't tell them I said this. If you see them, don't interact with them. And if you want to look for them or yell at them for what they have done to me and so many others. Don't do it. I've tried before. With a whole team. It was not the brightest or best idea but in the moment I was hurt, sad, anxious, and desperate. And everyone else with me on it, was too. You can't stop them and I wish I could. But nobody can. And we can just hope People will get the red flags fast so they don't have to deal with the trauma like I did.

But I don't want anything.

To do with that vile, cheating, manipulative. BITCH.

So unless I forget the past or they leave the CITS group.

I'm gone.

I loved this comunity and most things in it.

I'll miss you all.

I don't want to leave.

But I have to.


Mabye I'll see you in another fandom, or somthing like that.

Have a great day.

I love you all,

Eat, drink, and take care of yourself.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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