Dustin follows the fighters to the position of their LZ. The coastline is just in sight and there's nothing but ocean all around. Sara and I gather the crew in the command center, a glass room, ovular in shape, that has a large command module in the center. The module itself links directly to the academy and resembles a table big enough for ten people to stand comfortably around.
I explain the situation, we're being taken to some strange landing site in the middle of the ocean, I suspect that it's a subterranean base, hidden by the water. I also expkain that we have no idea what will be waiting for us on the other side of the ramp when we land, that means full combat dress for all who have the training.
"So we're being taken to a strange subterranean ocean outpost and we dont know by who? We also don't know if they're friendlies but we're cooperating because there are four fighters escorting us? Right?" Dilan clarifies.
"Yep." I say, popping the P.
"So what's the plan?" Carlee asks. "We'll be there in less thirty minutes."
I don't have a plan yet. We have zero information about where we're going amd what we'll face there. But I can't let my team think that I'm clueless so I try to make up something satisfactory. "I want you, Geoffrey, Percey, Dilan, and me in full combat gear, no helmets. Don't want to be unprepared but also not intimidating. With weapons to suit our styles of close quarters combat. Sara and Dustin stay in the cockpit and monitor our progress, stay there even after we're welcomed, don't trust anyone."
A collective, "Yes sir!" Emanates from the team and they move off to get ready. Sara stops me before I leave. "If something does happen... what do we do?"
"Get out, with as many of your teammates as possible. But dont let any of these guys on board. Leave us all here if you have to just dont let them get hold of you."
She turns and leaves without a word. Suddenly she comes back, shoves past me, grabs Geoffrey buy the shirt collar, and plants a kiss on his cheek. "You'd better come back."
I hadn't realized they knew each other. That's an understatement, I think to myself.
Dilan grabs a set of body armor out of his locker. He strips and puts it on while I do the same. No words are shared between us but we each know the other is thinking about what's about to go down.
We walk to the armory. Percey and Carlee are already there. Carlee has spread out a selection of handguns in front of her amd is testing each one for weight and balance. Percey has a semi-automatic precision rifle in her hand with a scope and an underbarel grenade launcher. Even the most refined like a bit of excitement I guess.
I select a Five-Seven handgun with extended mag and my signature longsword. A fine peice of craftsmanship, its blade sits at three feet long, hilt is two inches on either side of the blade and has a little bulb on the ends. The hilt is a dull gray with a shiny silver blade the metal is a realatovely new, pure substance, that is completely indestructible. And easy to clean too. Liquids, often red and bodily, run right off.
On my back I carry a light, semi-auto, red dot sight, assault rifle. For when I get bored.
Without warning Geoffrey walks in weaing a full body suit like the rest of us but with grenades all around his waist, a wrist launcher, and a big knife on his chest. He selects from the rack a grenade launcher and a machine gun.
"You ready to go Jorge?" I tease, referencing a game I used to play. To my surprise he gets it and says, "Just made a few modifications Mum."
The Boat gives a lurch. "Docking with the station." Dustin's voice crackles over the speakers. "You were right sir. It is a whole subterranean base. It doesn't look like a friendly welcome either. Docking complete in 3."
"Let's get to the door and greet the welcoming committee."

ActionA 15 year-old boy and his friends take on criminal masterminds as agents of Pheonix.