where it all begins

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          It was a normal meeting, well as normal as it could get meaning Aruther and Francis were arguing, Ivan was trying to get the others to 'become one with him', Yoa was trying to sell people stuff, Ludwing was close to a blood muscle poping, Feliciano was talking to Ludwig about pasta. And meanwhile, Alfred was instead shouting about being a hero, he was asleep somehow in this crazy meeting. And Mattew was just sitting back forgotten by the world just watching this all happen. Then there was a sudden bright light.

"BLOODY HELL" Shouted Aruther.

"ohohohoh is the black sheep of Europe scared?" said Francis. 

"GERMANY GERMANY SAVE MEEEEE" shouted a very frightened Italy.

"WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP" shouted a very angry Ludwing.

Everything was then silent as everyone was trying to figure out what just happened.

"what's that on the table" Pointed out Yao. everyone then looked to see a book and a note in the center of the table. "and where is America-san" Kiku pointed out as well. Everyone then looked around the room and noticed him still asleep somehow. "how in the bloody hell is he still asleep" muttered Arthur surprised.

"so whos going to wake-a- him?" asked Feliciano.

"I will, then he can become one with Russia, Da?"  said Ivan suddenly appearing behind Alfred.

"don't worry I got this, just try to find out where we are, eh?" replied Matthew while grabbing Russias's arm. Ivan then backed off which surprised a lot of people. All of a sudden the door burst opened and in came Prussia aka Gilburt. (GOSH I HOPE I GOT THAT RIGHT). "Bruder what is going on, one moment I was drinking a beer then the next THIS!" shouted Gilburt who was pretty pissed off cause his beer didn't come with him.

"that's what we are trying to figure out Bruder, anyway Canada's right we should be trying to figure out where we are, or we try the book it might have some information about what's going on" Exclaimed Germany.

Meanwhile, Alfred had finally woken up thanks to his brother Canada which he was kind of grumpy getting waked up, but was ok with it cause it was his brother.

"Yo Mattie, what's up dude? the meeting over or something that can the hero do to help you with" Alfred said with his Hollywood smile.

"all right everyone now that Americas up I'll be reading the note" Smirked Francis which has been very quiet for way too long. "Dear nations, I am Native America and you can not leave until this book here has been read. It contains certain things about someone in this room you need to know to ripe his mask off and help him. and don't worry you all have your rooms and pets here and there's a kitchen and bathroom down the hallway to your right. please understand this is to help the youngest one among you, who is not who he seems."



I hope ya'll enjoyed it and I got a music list to listen to if you want. if you want it to let me know and I'll put it in the next chapter! well either way I'm putting in the next chapter it's just so nice to listen to when writing these!!!! ANYWHO I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT! I KNOW I DID WHEN WRITING THIS!!! :D

(560 words)

The American secret journal. (over im done writing it)Where stories live. Discover now