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 ^Play this during the fight scene and you'll feel godly^ (0:14-0:40)

Your hair drifted in the wind as you walked across the bridge to reach Madripoor. "We have to fix this. I'm the only one who looks like a pimp." Sam complained. 

"Yeah well at least you can fucking breathe," You remarked at him, tugging slightly on the mask that covered your face and muffled your words every time you spoke.

"We all look like we're supposed to look like. (Y/N), You have to wear that otherwise people will think you're not from Hydra. We have to stay in character no matter what happens. Our lives depend on it. There's no margin for error." 

The costume you had on was identical to Bucky's but it had both sleeves. It literally squeezed your rips, just like it did at Hydra when they'd send you out for training. The mask just made you want to shoot everyone around you. That's how irritating it was. A car was waiting for you and all of you hopped in, while listening to Zemo talk about how he had no friends in High Town. 

The driver drove off, motorcycles surrounded you as extra protection. 

"For the record I'll refer to you both as Winter Soldiers. It's simple." Zemo informed you. 

"Did they teach you the whistle at Hydra?" Bucky turned to you as he asked. You were even more squeezed as you sat between Bucky and Sam in the backseat. You nodded, pulling the mask slightly so it gave you space to show him. You whistled just like they taught you and he nodded. "You whistle to me to get my attention. I'll do the same." 

"Okay." You agreed. It wasn't that you haven't done this before. Hydra had sent you on many small undercover missions just to test your skill. When they were satisfied with you, they train you more and more. Basic combat skill turned into complex acrobat routines. You became deadly really fast. "I'll be fine, you know?" 

Bucky gave you a look but then nodded. "I know but I got you back a year ago and I'm cautious to not lose you again."

"You won't" 


You walked into the club. People staring at you left and right, whispering questions if it was the actual Winter Soldier in their club. You remained emotionless. You learn quickly how to turn off your emotions. It made everything 100 times easier. Nothing got in the way. 

"Hello Gentlemen." The bartender looked at the guys. He then turned to you. "Ladies. Wasn't expecting you, Smiling Tiger." 

"Plans changed, we have business to do with Selby." Zemo said for him. The bartender did not seem impressed or persuaded, so he asked Sam - or the Smiling Tiger -  if he wanted the usual. He simply nodded his head. The bartender wasted no time in taking out a snake from a jar, cutting it's stomach open and putting it in the shot glass. 

You turned around, facing the other way and placed both your elbows on the bar behind you so you wouldn't have to look at Sam while he drank that awful drink. You'd either laugh or vomit, you didn't know which one. You heard Sam swallow, but you kept your position. Arms on the bar either side of you. 

Some men were approaching and they were approaching fast. You whistled and Bucky turned around in an instant, locking eyes with the guy right behind Zemo. He nodded his head at you in thanks of warning. "Got word from the high. You ain't welcome here." He sneered at Zemo. You watched from a small distance, wondering what will happen next. 

"I have no business with the power broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me.." Zemo turned his head and Bucky, who was staring into the man's soul 

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"New haircut?" The man asked Bucky. 

"Or bring Selby for a chat," Zemo finished. 

The man walked away without question. You looked at the guys, lifting your eyebrows in question of who the power broker is. Zemo shrugged telling you it's not the time to ask questions. You nodded, turning back to look at the people who gave you scared stares. 

The men returned but this time Zemo saw them. He spun to face Bucky, then Bucky called you with his whistle. You pushed your body off the counter and joined his side. The man smiled down at you. "Are you sure she can fight?" 

"She can kill you faster than us combined." Zemo smiled, making the man's smirk drop at Zemo's seriousness. He wasn't wrong. But he didn't know that. He said it just to be intimidating. He had no idea what you had in store. 

"Зимний солдат" Zemo said, turning to Bucky as the man grabbed his shoulder. "атака" Bucky grabbed the guy's hand with his metal arm, squeezing it until you heard his bones rush. Zemo then turned to you. "позади тебя" (Behind you)

You reached over your shoulder and grabbed the persons hand without looking, already knowing they were there thanks to Zemo's warning. You spun so his hand twisted and he screamed. These men were weak. Like ridiculously weak. You kneed him in the stomach and let him fall to the ground as a cry left his mouth. Another man appeared out of nowhere and you grabbed him, punching your elbow into his face then stomach making him also cry out in pain. 

More and more people gathered around to record, which also more and more people wanted to fight you. Bucky was also getting more competitors. You broke another one's shoulder. A knee cap. A jaw. And by the time Zemo called you to stop you had a flood of people falling at your feet, most unconscious. 

It was impressive since you weren't a famous Hydra assassin and definitely didn't have the super serum in you, that you could eliminate so many people in such a short amount of time. Especially so fluently. People stared at you with even more fear as they put their phones away when you looked at them with a death glare.

You stopped when you heard multiple guns cocking. Zemo stopped Bucky and then Bucky whistled at you to come over. 

"Selby will see you now," The bartender said. Zemo thanked him and walked on, you followed without hesitation. 


"Girl I didn't know you could fight like that." Sam's eyes were wide as you walked through hallways to Selby's room. 

"Neither did I," Bucky whispered. You walked in front of them, behind Zemo so you couldn't see their faces. 

"There's a lot you don't know about me," You mumbled, trying to remain serious.

"Will you shut up?" Zemo scowled. "We're almost there." 

You continued to walk, sending glares at people who stared at you. It felt weird to have so many people scared of you, visibly or not, you could feel fear radiating off of them as you walked past. You finally walked into her office where you and Bucky stood together, looking at the wall opposite you with no emotion. Sam stood on the opposite side of you, by the woman's side. 

Zemo sat on the couch opposite the woman. They exchanged a couple of words about how he was supposed to be locked in a prison. The woman looked old but rich. Expensive rich. Like if she dies, people would care rich.

"What's the offer?" She smiled creepily. One that made shivers tingle your spine. 

"Tell us what you know about the Super Soldier serum," Zemo said while standing up from his seat and walking closer to you and your brother. "And I'll give you him," He pointed to Bucky. "Along with the words to control him. Of course."

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