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Vada's Pov
I suddenly just woke up not sure why I was closing my eyes but my head did hurt like hell, when I looked around....ok I have NO IDEA WHERE I AM there are just...weird looking monsters and almost every building was...strangely red, I looked at the sky and it was also red but I saw something unusual, there was some sort of star on the moon which seemed like a hell star... "wait a hell star?! am I in hell?!" I looked around again but if this is hell then why isn't there human souls being tortured...and how come I don't look strange like the others "maybe I am dreaming? no my head hurts like hell" I walked around getting weird glances from those strange looking demons I think which is understandable I do look more human then them but why? When I wasn't looking where I was going I bumped into someone that was wearing a black cloak, when it turned towards me I couldn't see the face just seeing white eyes "sorry for bumping into you" I apologized to the demon which seemed like a phantom I think but the phantom's eyes just widens when it took a good look at me the phantom's black aura disappeared and took off the hoodie showing a women that was taller then me and looked human "you are a human?" the women asked and I was a bit confused "um yes...my name is Vada" I introduced myself not wanting to use my real name "....alright my name is Rosa but you can call me Rose if you want" Rosa Introduce herself which got me to think " wait Rosa? as in my godmother Rosa? as in...Vaggie's mother Rosa?" I thought to myself then I had enough courage to ask "could you...possibly be...Vaggie's mom?" I asked her eyes just widens for a second but then just smiles at me "yes....Vaggie has talked a lot about you...Ada...follow me" Rosa got ahead of me and I followed being a bit nervous to finally meet my godmother "you...couldn't have known my real name...you died when Vaggie was little...Vaggie could of told you...unless" I paused myself not wanting to believe she would be here or my godmother cause my mother never said about any sinful stuff from my godmother Rosa not to mention she died from a gun shot from evil people "never mind...you're a phantom demon?" I asked out of curiosity but she just laughs a bit " I'm not any demon I'm just a phantom and I wasn't sent to hell or heaven through my death I was transformed into this by death to be the next phantom" Rosa explained "then how come you are here?" I asked "I came here through Lucifer's portal" Rosa said and stopped walking in front of a hotel which has a sign said Hazbin hotel "Hazbin Hotel? why are we here?" I asked "thought you would like to see some people again" Rosa said and knocked on the door and a demoness that was blonde, literally white skin, red circle cheeks and red suit opened the door " mom welcome!" she hugged Rosa which got me confused of calling Rosa mom "laughs a bit* hello Charlie I want you to meet my niece" Rosa said signaling to me and to be honest I was a bit nervous "hi! you must be Vada that Vaggie talks about! I'm Charlie princess of hell and the owner of Hazbin hotel and I'm your step cousin and step daughter of Rosa" Charlie explain to me and that all makes sense but every time I hear them saying Vaggie I feel like to cry inside "um...yep...that's me alright" I said nervously "come in Vaggie is gonna be so happy when she sees you!" Charlie said grabbing my wrist and dragging me inside "wait she's here??!!" I said in my mind scared of seeing Vaggie again I mean did I brush my hair before I left? maybe I should of worn something else, did I brush my teeth before leaving?! When I snapped out of my thoughts I saw there was more demons then Charlie, one looked like a cat, one was a cyclops,one looked like a wendigo with antlers but at least he is wearing a suit, one looked kind of looked like Canow but a shadow demon that has white glowing eyes black shadow skin a white mustache, white beard and white hair, one looked like a spider and one looked like....my cousin Vaggie but had grey skin, a red X which seems to be her missing eye on the left, a pink bow that looked like the I gave her when I was seven as a present and had long white hair and if i guess right I think she is a moth demon and has three little toddlers? "hey guys meet Vada!" when Charlie called out to them everyone looked at me and Charlie and now I feel very nervous as ever "long time no see Vada" the shadow demon that looked like Canow came to me and smiled at me "C-Canow?" I looked at him all surprised to see him here and there wasn't a word of Canow ever dying and he went missing a few years ago when I was 12, what is going on? Then the moth demoness eyes widens a bit and slowly walked towards me "V-vada?" she said and she started to let tears fall, every time I looked at her I always see her as Vaggie as human "Vaggie?!" I started to let tears fall as well "I can't...I can't believe you are here!" Vaggie said and we both hugged each other letting tears fall, I was just so happy to see my cousin again which I never thought it was possible we stopped hugging each other "look at you, you have grown so much!" Vaggie said looking at me "well you have changed so much and you got even cooler! a moth demoness!" I said so happy to see her again. Later on I get to meet the others "the names Angel dust" he said introducing him self to me " I'm guessing you are a porn star?" I asked "huh smart" he said. "hi I'm Nifty the cleaner of the hotel" "and you have a hat that is....alive?" I looked at the hat that has fangs and one eye "hmm? *looks up* oh this isn't mine it's my boyfriend's Sir Pentious's hat he just likes me wearing the hat" "well apparently the hat likes you too" I said still looking at the hat. "my name is husk and I'm the bartender of this place...not like I had a choice" he said "really seems like you don't enjoy it" I said raising my eyebrow while sitting on a seat near the bartender "meh I got used to the job" he said. "my names Alastor and it is very much a pleasure to meet my wife's cousin" Alastor said having a hand out to shake my hand, inside of me my childhood memories comes out and I used both of my hands shaking his hand while crushing it and he flinched at the pain while I shook his hand many times "OMG IT IS SO NICE TO FINALLY MEET THE BOYFRIEND OF VAGGIE'S BUT WAIT DID YOU JUST CALL VAGGIE YOUR WIFE THAT'S JUST EVEN BETTER!!!" I said them all in one breath just so excited to finally meet Alastor and he got his hand back "haha well that's...good to hear" Alastor said "it hurts like hell doesn't it?" Husk said "yes" Alastor said rubbing his crushed hand healing it. "Vada meet my kids Violet, Varian and Darian" Vaggie said introducing her kids to me and her daughter Violet was shy and she was behind Vaggie "I can't believe I'm an aunt now!". While I was talking with Vaggie and Charlie someone knocked on the door "I'll get it!" Charlie said getting up and going to the door opening it "Daddy!" Charlie said hugging someone "huh?" I looked at Vaggie, so Charlie is my step cousin then who is Rosa's husband? I looked at the demon coming inside and it was Lucifer himself "Vada meet my dad the king of hell!" Charlie said "um....hi *bows*" Vada said bowing to Lucifer "Vada you don't have to do that" Charlie said getting her up by Vada's hand "it is a pleasure to meet you Vada" Lucifer said "um it is...such an honor to meet the king of hell" I said all nervous but excited "he is also your godfather" Vaggie said "wait so Rosa is my godmother and he is my godfather....wait wwwwhhhhaaatt?! you married my godmother Rosa?!" I said all shocked that the king of hell fell in love with Rosa "yes he did" Canow said laughing a bit, I was so shocked when I found out Rosa is pregnant with the king of hells offspring.I played with my niece and nephews and it was fun. The hotel...is special...I feel like I belong here and it made me be my old self. I snapped out of my thoughts when Vaggie called me "Vada could you come please?" Vaggie asked and I got up from the floor and follow Vaggie "so what is it?" I asked "It's a surprise" Vaggie said going to the dark kitchen "what's with the lights?" I said and turned on the lights

Vaggie's Pov
Me and the other's was having a surprise for Vada so I came to Vada and got her to follow me, we got to the kitchen with the lights of as planned and when she turned on the lights "surprise!" almost everyone in the kitchen yelled having decorations around and some cakes which I believe Alastor made "laughs* what is all this?" Vada said laughing "it's a surprise for you" I said "to become a new honorary member of the hazbin hotel!" Charlie said but then we saw started to cry "Vada you alright?" I asked worried "i-it's just...I feel so happy right now, I just haven't this happy after the death of Vaggie" Vada said trying to wipe all of her tears away and group hugged me and Charlie "thank you and I will do my very best for this hotel and for you guys" Vada said using her old smile "giggles a bit* I missed that smile of yours Vada" I said and me and Charlie both hugged Vada back, when we stopped we saw her fading away literally "what's happening?!" Charlie said worried like "don't worry, her body at the surface is waking up" Lucifer said explaining "will I ever get to see you guys again?!" Vada asked "this time through dreams but they will feel real" Lucifer said "goodbye Vada until we meet again" Rosa said "bye everyone I will be back soon" Vada said as the fading was finished.

Vada wakes up in a hospital bed "ugh my head" she rubbed her head that was in bandages and so was her arms "huh?" Vada looked around the room seeing both of her friends sleeping on the chairs next to her "was it all a dream?" she said to herself but feels something small on her hand and it was a hair clip that has an H that resembles the Hazbin hotel and she smiles "it wasn't" Vada looked at her friends once more "Leah, Ryan get up" Vada said and they woke up from their nap "Vada!! YOU are OK GIRL!!" Leah said "Vada you are ok! I was so worried- I-I mean we were worried!" Ryan said blushing a bit "I'm sort of fine but what exactly happened?" Vada asked "GIRL when I woke up you were not anywhere in my house! Then I heard a car crash! when I looked you got hit by the car! and the guy called the hospital and we came with you! You were still breathing thankfully!" Leah said panicking "ok ok guy's I'm awake now and I'm not dying" Vada said "GIRL YOU BETTER NOT OR SO HELP ME!" Leah said hugging Vada. After Vada got out of the hospital they went to Fizzarolli so he can see she is ok, after the sleepover was finished Vada went back to her house at and went to sleep seeing her new friends and family at the hazbin hotel every night.

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