•ch 10 : don't make me blush•

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(jk pov:)

             •on Wednesday•

| After school|

When I was getting on the bus in which we r supposed to travel till our home ..I saw tae with y/n ..they r so close , his hand is freely rubbing her thin waist and his another hand is on his damn phone , she doesn't say anything but just try to avoid his hand ..she tried to move a bit his hand but soon tae moved closer to her face

as he pulled her close by cupping her waist "r u uncomfortable with me ..hm? I don't think so u should.." she was nervous and started to panic as she moved a bit back in order to be released from his grip but he grabbed her hand which was trying to push his chest and put it on the back window above her head glaring sudductively into her eyes

" u didn't answer me? Should I take silence as yes ..or no? ..I never saw u this much nervous in front of jungkook ..even he hugs u .. putting his whole torso on u ..he even sleeps in ur lap sometimes..at that time I noticed ur cheeks a bit pink ..is it blush? Do u like jungkook more than me hm?" She just looked straight into his eyes ..I wasn't doing anything so that I can see what is in y/n mind ..even I want to know whom she like me or tae? ..she gave him intense glare .. taking her hand off his chest and now on his cheeks .. caressing them softly .. coming more close to his lips ..no no nooo is she trying to kiss him right in the Middle of road and even in front of me..does she like him??

No no nooooo I waited till now for 13 years just for her she can't do this  c'mon y/n! she grabbed his chin with her soft baby hands and gave him a slight slap .."do u think u can have me with this fuck boy nature ? I am not one of that sluts who want to make out with u damn eagerly ...I .. only like jungkook..and I am also looking forward to love him only ...his presence is enough to make me fall in love ...stop daydreaming about me ..my bestfriend who betrayed me..when my dad died "

..whaaaat ...am I dreaming? She said she like me and even will love me only ...is this real ..I am about to collapse from this incident ... someone pinch me is this is not dream ....my heart is beating so fast that even I can hear ..it maybe jump out of my chest at any moment .. she left her seat with her bag on top of her shoulders leaving tae in great shock and came towards me with such a confident but red face ..is she blushing???

"Kookie , what took u so long to come ..I missed u .. let's walk towards home today "
She pouted like small baby ..is she real?  before one sec she was hot as hell with those dangerous, furious answer and now is super cute with her pout formed by her red pulping lips ..aww ..I am gonna kiss her right now ..no no ..I grabbed her waist and dragged her down the bus to let it go on the way to our home as we decided to walk today ..she suddenly hugged me ...
" Are u ok? Why u wanted to walk today?"

She adjusted the strip of her bag as she released me from her soothing grip ..I want this to last till my death ..

"No , It's j-just so good weather" she is again blushing ..she must have gathered that courage to speak in front of tae and now she is again normal .. blushing when she faced me..I am proud of her .. wait  she knows that tae betrayed her ...how ..when ?

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