Chapter 19: Letters and Anticipation

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"That's wonderful to hear. I was afraid you'd never get along,"


Luna was waiting outside of your office at promptly 8:00 AM, which was the time that you had agreed on to meet. Luna was extremely patient, given the fact that she had waited over two hours the day before waiting on you. You still felt absolutely terrible about it, and you felt even worse knowing that Luna was walking around knowing your and Severus' secret.

It wasn't that you didn't trust Luna. Honestly, you'd trust her over most adults to keep it a secret. You just weren't sure how to feel about a 13 year old knowing that two of her professors were dating on the down low.

"Hi, Luna." You greeted as you approached the office door.

"Hello, Professor [L/N]. You look wonderful." She complimented in her sweet voice.

Luna was always very kind, and went out of her way to make others feel good. Truth be told, you were wearing the same kind of outfit you wore everyday, but that didn't stop Luna from singing her praises.

"Thank you, Luna. You're very kind," You smiled, opening the door for her, "You could've waited inside the office. I wouldn't have minded."

Luna shrugged her shoulders simply, entering the office and setting her things down.

"I was afraid Professor Snape was here. I didn't want to interrupt." Luna admitted.

"Remember this is my office as well. You can be in here at any time, regardless of whether Professor Snape is here or not." You reminded her.

"Well, I was more afraid that you were both in here." Luna said nonchalantly, sitting at her chair at your desk.

Your cheeks ran hot at her insinuation, that dread in your gut returning.

"Luna, I want you to understand that my relationship with Professor Snape doesn't change anything," You told her, "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around us."

"I'm not uncomfortable, Professor. It's not your fault you've found love with Professor Snape." Luna said casually, opening the second year Defense textbook to begin helping you plan a class schedule for the next week.

Your blood pressure began to rise at Luna's choice of words and the implication behind them. Your first instinct was to laugh it off with the idea that it was just a kid looking too deeply into things they knew nothing about.

But something in your chest told you that was the wrong reaction. Luna Lovegood was different than most kids. She wasn't like Ron Weasley or Hermione Granger. No, Luna looked into things, but she looked into them just the right amount.

So the odds were that she might've been onto something.

You took a moment to think about what Luna had said. Surely, you had not "found love" with Severus. It had only been a little over a month since you had begun dating, and even then you had both agreed it was a lowkey thing until you saw where it took the both of you.

While you had shared many, many intimate moments together, you weren't sure that sticking the "L" word label on it was a good idea. Not until you absolutely, positively sure that's what it was.

You let your mind wander from that topic and to another one. You recalled your conversation from the night before, about telling Severus that you were sure you wanted to reconnect with Sirius. You supposed that was something you needed to get into the works, because you'd have to get in touch with Remus first.

You still weren't sure if this was a good idea, but you were pretty set on going through with it.

Luna was occupied for at least the next ten minutes, giving you enough time to at least begin a first draft of a letter. The fresh parchment sat blank on your desk as you retrieved a quill to write with, knowing that Remus would definitely notice if you had written in pen or not.

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