24 Unsure

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Chapter 24


"You sure?" Lucas murmurs under his lashes.

"I'm sure." I gulp, pulling away. He releases me and I go back to my seat.

"Did I freak you out?" Lucas murmurs and leans on his forearms to look at me. I shake my head. "Then what is it?"

"I, uh-" My face is burning. Jesus Christ.

"Yeah, I freaked you out." His shoulders slump slightly.

No, I freaked myself out. Over how much I want it. How badly I crave to be pulled in.

"Can you talk to me?" He creases his forehead with quiet desperation. "Please. I'm sorry."

I chew my lip, rummaging thoughts like pieces of puzzles. This stifling magnetism. I swear it's only because it's forbidden. Reckless. A game not worth playing.

"Let's get some fresh air." Lucas suggests and quickly asks for the check.

I look everywhere else while he continuously looks at me as we wait for the bill. After fifty years, the waitress comes back and Lucas hands her his credit card.

I pull out my phone and Venmo him the amount I calculated in my head. His phone rings to notify him. He scowls when he looks at the screen.

"The fuck is this."

"I'm the one who invited you out." I retort with the same annoyed tone he used on me.

He clicks his jaw and types something before putting his phone in his pocket. When we get up, my phone rings and I check to see he just sent me the money back.

"Seriously?" I snap.

We step out into the night bathed street. I put my button-down back on and put my hair up as I walk away, shivering from the chill breeze.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lucas grabs my arm and stops me.

"Home." I frown.

"I get that, but don't just walk off on your own. It's not safe here." He chides. My blood boils. Who does he think he is?!

"Well... would you look who it is!" Gia appears, startling both of us. Derek and Michael are next to her, all dressed for a night out.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lucas runs his hand through his hair and nervously smiles.

"Oh, Lucas, you have to come." Her eyes go wide, she seems to be drunk. "Derek's band is performing and we're going to cheer him on!"

"Derek's in a band?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah! Hello, haven't you ever been to our karaoke happy hours? He's so talented." Gia gushes while Michael nods his head.

"You doing any Gipsy Kings covers tonight?" Lucas's eyes light up, this time with a genuine grin.

"You remember?" Derek yells with amazement.

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