the murder family

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After getting hired by blitzo am just sitting on my phone because am security because there Nothing to do right now

Y/N:boring day rn

You have your feet on your desk

loona:well that what you get for working here

She holding up a photo of a family while looking at her phone and you see the red light going off

Y/N:well looks like he needs help

You get up and head to Blitzo office and walk to see a female with an angry face looking at blitzo

Y/N:ok ok calm down am sure we can kill this person for you

She turns around and starts blushing

Mayberry:oh well hello there and i hope you help a lot~

Y/N:well it is my job to help out clients

Mayberry:i have a question


Mayberry:aren't you an angel

Y/N:formal angel i was exiled from heaven to killing an thug who was about to kill an innocent soul now i'm a fallen angel


Blizo:well that's that lets go tell the other

Blitzo kicks open the door

Blitzo:guys i want you to meet

The arrow start bouncing around and hits the computer the picture and makes the eel tank start wobbling and Blitzo catches the arrow

Blitzo:our newest client

The eel tank falls over and the eels start going off and makes the place go up in flames

Blitzo:damit moxie i just bought those eel's

Outside the building

Blitzo:bye and don't worry we'll get that skank in less then 24 hours or your first kill is free

Moxie:when did we start implementing that deal

Blitzo:when you set fire to my office in front of a CLIENT YOU FUCKING DICK SHIT now please tell me that fancy book is still intact

Loona:you mean our only ticket to the other side yea got it

She holds up to the book

Blitzo:and that's why your my favorite loony you get a tweet now

Loona:ew stop

Y/N:please stop its getting weird

He eats the treat

Loona:you're so gross

Y/N:yea now i regret taking this job

Blitzo:well your stuck with us so you fuck up

Millie opens the portal to the living world

Blitzo:now let's go lick some ass

Y/N:you screwed up that line

Millie:the expression is kick some ass Blitz

Y/N:at least she got it correct

Millie walks though the portal

Blitzo:mine's better

Y/N: no it ain't

You walk though the portal and blitzo follows behind

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