|Chapter 85 : Raw Eggs|

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"So how long have you known him?"


"Viktor. And Fleur for that matter"

"Oh I've known Viktor since I was about four or five, then I met Fleur and her sister when I was nine or ten- why do you ask?"

"I was only wondering"

"No, you were wondering for a reason"

"Bold assumption"

"But it's true"

"Maybe it is"

"There's no maybe about it"

"Stop being fussy"

"I'm not being fussy. I'm being smart"

"Now you're being a bully"

"Me? A bully? Blaise I am offended"

"But it's true"

"Shut up"


"Just a single 'ha'? I don't know how to respond" I said to him laughing as he threw a smile my way

"I've never understood you"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this more in a collective term but mainly to you and Draco. Outside the common room- I don't want you to take this the wrong way- but around everyone else you two can be right pricks, well you're silent but Draco changes so much, he gets so arrogant at times. But then in the common room the two of you change again, you become a lot more talkative and actually weird and then Draco just loses his arrogance altogether"

"Well I can't explain Draco's intentions but the reasons I'm silent outside the common room, mainly if there are other houses around I want them to think I'm intimidating, you know- the silent stares. It works on the Weasley twins"

"Blaise- I could never find you intimidating-"

"That's because you know me"

"Wait did you say the twins? The twins are intimidated by you?"




"Surely not"

"I'm telling you they are"

"Oh my god, I knew they could be idiots but I never knew they were scared of you" I said laughing as a smirk grew on his face and I grabbed an apple, taking a bite out of it as the seat was taken opposite us

"You're being so smug about this"

"Of course I am- morning"

"That's a first: you're down here before me. What got you out of bed so quickly?" Draco asked Blaise tiredly as I tried to stop a smile growing on my face


"Amused by something Lia?"

"I am actually"

"Then enlighten us"

"Blaise, you see it.... right?" I asked with a smirk as I looked down to stop myself from laughing

"I think I do- Gryffindor table?"

"Yep- he sees it" I said smiling as I looked back up and quickly looked away to stop myself from laughing as Draco turned around and scanned around for a moment before snorting and turning back

"That was you?"

"No, why would I do that?" I asked, trying to keep the smirk down as I watched Holly dump herself down onto the bench with an irritated look as I sniggered at the marks of raw eggs all over her robes

"That smirk gives it away"

"It does, she's too amused by it- what was it?"

"Raw eggs- got Peeves to pelt them at her"

"And how the hell did you do that?"

"We're on good terms with each other- anyway, what have we got first?"

"Herbology or charms"

"Oh, so not that bad I suppose"

"What could be worse?"

"Double transfiguration first thing"

"Point made" Draco muttered as all eyes turned to Dumbledore who stood at the front of the hall as a confused feeling started to grow inside my stomach

"This should be good-"

"Morning students! I know we're all excited about the mixture of the three schools together but we have two more guests to welcome. One just so happens to be another past Triwizard Tournament champion who has agreed to join us to help out with the tasks along with his son who will be staying with us. I'd like everyone to give a very warm welcome to Ethan and Aaron Wilde!" Dumbledore said cheerily as two people walked through the hall doors, near enough identical as I stared at the fifteen year old Aaron who walked beside his father as he wore a light blue suit with silver fastening as I glanced down at the thin white line of my middle finger before back to him as the two stood at the front of the hall and greeted Dumbledore as I looked past and to Nadia who was staring at Ethan with wide eyes as Aaron was motioned over to the Slytherin table as he walked towards the table with a smile


"Hm- what?" I asked suddenly as I tore my gaze away and shook my head before rubbing at my finger where a slight tingling sensation was spreading

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine"

"Why the hell were you just staring at that guy then?"

"Because I know him. I'm positive I do-"

"Jesus Christ, how many people do you know?"

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