Dance of lies

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Bill's plan had worked out perfectly. He smiled thinking over the details as he floated in the dreamscape.
Get the girl to make a deal.
Make the girl a demon.
And wait for the time to cause the big plan.
Then let the fear demon help him take control.
Ha! He can't believe you actually fell for his lies about the prophecy.
One problem... he had expected to actually have feeling for you.
Oh well.... just made a possible companion.
Just to make her join him now....
But how?....

You sat on the edge of your bed reading the latest novel dipper had given you.
"Oh!! Hehheh then who is the killer?!" You mumbled to yourself before hearing a knock on the door.
"____, there is something I want to show you." you heard bill call from the other side of the threshold as you prepared to open it.
"Coming bi-" you began to speak but stopped as you looked to see a vast ball room before you, not your hallway.
"What is this?" Walking forward you look around then spot bill standing in the middle. He was dressed in his usual suit yet he seemed more handsome than usual.
"May I have this dance?" He smirks as he holds his hand out waltz music beginning to play. You nod smiling slightly before walking over to him. your regular attire suddenly changing into a black gown with gold trim.
"Whoa. cool." You giggle before taking his hand and dancing with him.
"My dear ___.~ I would say nightmares and fear go hand in hand. yes?"
You nod enjoying the dancing but slightly confused by his question.
"What brought that up?" You question smiling cautiously.
His hand reaches for your face soft caressing it in the most hypnotizing way.
"I need you to help me with my plan. and after you and I shall be together for eternity..." he cooed before kissing you rather forcefully as his eyes glowed blue slightly.
"Shall we cause the apocalypse now my dear?~"
You smirk "yes." before pulling him into another kiss. both of your eyes shimmering blue now.

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