The Five Pigs and Lazy the Wolf

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The Five Pigs and Lazy the Wolf

Once upon a graphic wonderland, there lived five pigs.

All five of them decided to go on with their own paths, and oink they went, deeper into the forest.

The first pig, Day decided to build her shop out of hay.

Lazy — the evil wolf huffed and puffed and the house of hay soon fell down.

The second pig, Myra built her shop out of sticks.

Lazy once again huffed and puffed and the house of sticks soon too came crashing down.

The third pig, Lia built her shop out of rocks.

It was stable, but she was too busy oinking that the wolf already destroyed the inside of her shop.

The fourth pig, Thea built her shop out of planks.

The wolf huffed and puffed but Thea already destroyed her shop before Lazy.

And finally, the fifth pig Rose built her shop out of bricks.

The wolf huffed and puffed but he couldn't succeed.

He told the other pigs, stating Rose posseses a magical advantage,


They got very jealous of Rose, and decided to help the evil wolf.

They disguised as her five grandmothers and entered her shop.

They attacked, but they were too late.

Rose already had control of magic and used the legendary power of Photoshop, and with the blinding forces of graphics, the shop went up to flames.

Soon enough, all five of them became very aware of Lazy, the evil wolf and decided to be friends.

They built a shop out of grass and called it. . .

A freakin' Premades Shop.


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