MCU - Hot Pietro 17 Extended 1/2

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A/N I'm taking a break from the Disneyland story cuz its taking forever lol 

so here's an extension to one of my tiktoks

I'm skipping to after the events in the tiktok 


He still had me pinned to the counter and was kissing my neck, a hand slipping under my shirt and tracing faint shapes along my abdomen making me shiver. His kisses moved from my neck back up to my lips, my lipgloss now a sticky mess. 

I know he enjoyed having control of me and I usually try to do everything I can not to let him have it, but at the moment I was pinned to the kitchen counter and there was nothing I could do. My pride was taking a hit, but I was a little too in the moment to care. 

He kissed me gently and stopped with a smile, our faces still close enough to feel his breath on my face, "we should probably stop now, I plan on saving this for our little fashion show."

I sighed and rolled my eyes dramatically, "yeah, wanna go get some lunch?"

He smirked and kissed me again, "yes, why don't we fix your lipgloss, wipe it off my face and then portal yeah?"

"Yeah," I replied with a small laugh.

"C'mon love," he slid off the counter and I did the same, but he picked me up before my feet hit the floor.

Both of us laughed and he carried me to my vanity. I wiped the gloss off both of us with a damp washcloth and reapplied it on myself before brushing out my hair. "Got everything?"

"Yes," he replied and I opened a portal right outside Yucca as well as speeding up time for the two of us so that the time change didn't happen from New York to California. 

We walked in and the hostess went wide eyed for a second before regaining her composure and plastering a smile on her face, "Just the two of you today?"

"Yes," I replied sweetly.

"Inside or outside," she asked and I looked up at Pietro who shrugged.

"Inside please."

"Right this way," she said and guided us to a small table in the corner. 

"Thank you," Pietro and I replied in sync as we sat down.

"A server will be with you shortly," the hostess said as she set down two menus and then headed back to the stand. 

"Do you ever feel like people are scared to talk to us," I asked Pietro and he nodded.

"Mhm, like we're gonna kill them if they say hi," he replied with a chuckle. "What's good here essa?"

"I'll end up with the orange chicken lunch and potstickers," I replied.

"That sounds good, I'll probably get the same," he said and I smiled.

I could feel Pietro's eyes on me as I lazily glazed over the menu pretending like I didn't know what I wanted. I looked up and he smiled, "what?"

He shook his head, "nothing, you're just really fucking hot."

I laughed lightly and a waiter approached, "Hello, my name is Dylan and I'll be your server today. Can I get any drinks or appetizers started for you two?"

"May I please get an arnold palmer," I said with a smile and he nodded.

"I'll have the same. Can we get an order of potstickers as well," Etro added and Dylan nodded, scribbling it down.

"Those drinks and potstickers will be right out," Dylan added before leaving the table.

Pietro pulled out his phone and scrolled through for a second before sliding it across the table to me. "Which ones should I post," he asked, referring to four pics of the two of us. 

im gonna give u a lil description of each one

All of them were from the same day and the two of us on the beach at sunset.

pic 1: me in his arms, like his hands on my thighs and we were kissing

pic 2: me on his shoulders and I was flipping off the camera

pic 3: both of us in our clothes in the ocean splashing each other

pic 4: me in his arms (like pic 1) but we weren't kissing, just our foreheads resting against each other.

those were the options

"I like this one (pic 1), this one (pic 2), and this one I found a pic of just him shirtless on the beach and it was very hot, I picked that one instead of 3," I said while pointing to the pics. 

"Do you wanna both post this one (1) and you post those bikini pics I took and then I'll post these ones," he asked and I smiled.

"Yeah that works," I said and Dylan came back with our drinks. "Thank you."

"Yeah of course, can I get you guys anything to eat or do you need more time," he asked.

"We're both gonna get the orange chicken lunch special with white rice," Pietro said and I nodded in agreeance. 

"Okay sounds good, let me know if you guys need anything," Dylan said before leaving. 

"He's so nice," I said to Pietro and he nodded.

"Really good service," he added and I smiled. 

"Wanna go to Neiman's after this," I asked and he nodded. 

"Yeah I want to try on some shoes," he replied. 

"We can do that."

"You should ask your dad for the Hawaii house for tonight," he added.

"I thought we were staying in the tower tonight," I asked confused. 

"Yeah we were, but I want to see you walk down the private beach in your new presents," he said quietly and my breath caught in my throat.

"Of course you do," I said with a laugh and he smirked with deadly eyes.


end pt 1/2

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