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It was Christmas morning, two days after the very chaotic news and phone call

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It was Christmas morning, two days after the very chaotic news and phone call. Alia was in the kitchen with Nicole whipping up a big breakfast.

Sonya was on the phone making last minute arrangements. Claire laid in bed, sick from all the nausea and still processing all the big changes her life was about to go through.

She told her parents that Sonya had family in England and they wanted to go somewhere for the break and that seemed like the place to be.

Her parents didn't mind and told her to have fun. If only they knew the truth, she sighed. She was too afraid to tell them what was going on, she felt like too much was happening too soon.

She finally got out of bed, stepping gingerly. She felt fragile and helpless for the first time in ages, Claire just needed someone to tell her it was all going to be okay.

Never did she ever think, she would want assurance from a random boy she hooked up with.

She brought out the bag in which she had kept the presents for the three of them. She couldn't wait to see all their faces light up with big smiles.

They had stuck with her through thick and thin, even right now they were doing everything they could to make sure she was alright.

"Good morning my eclair, how are you feeling?" Nicole hugged her. "We made you a smoothie!"

"Ooh it looks good!" She smiled taking a seat. "Merry Christmas my girls!" Claire placed their presents on the counter.

She had got them all custom made scents, Claire felt like it was the least she could do, besides who doesn't like a good perfume that's made to suit your palette?

"So that's what was in the bag!" Alia beamed taking her bottle. "Merry Christmas to you too! It smells lovely." She beamed taking a whiff.

"Oh my gosh I wish I could drink this!" Nicole laughed. "Merry Christmas!"

Sonya joined them after a while and the rest of them exchanged presents, she told them more about the flight schedule and their stay.

She had really gone above and beyond to make sure everything was a smooth sail. They went out for lunch and had a good time.

Claire felt guilty about cutting the fun short because she felt nauseous and tired. They headed home and finished the rest of their packing. Tomorrow was a big day after all!


"Good morning! It's an important day! Get out of bed already!" Nicole entered Claire's room drawing the curtains.

Claire groaned but dragged herself out of bed, she took a shower, did her make up, got dressed and decided to check if everything she would need was packed and ready to go.

Nicole was still going around the house waking all of them up, to her surprise Sonya was already up and dressed.

They didn't check just once, they triple checked everything in the house before heading out. Claire had told her parents that they were "visiting" England.

Sonya convinced them that she had family there and wanted to visit them, since neither of the girls were going home for Christmas she insisted that they come with her.

"Hello?" Claire answered the phone.

"Have fun in England Claire! Tell us how the trip was!" She heard her mother's exhausted voice.

"Thanks mom, I will." She smiled. She couldn't help but feel horrible about hiding such a big thing from her. But what else could she do?

"It's pretty late here, I'm going to sleep now! And you be good, don't trouble Sonya's family." She yawned.

"Sleep well mom, I won't trouble Sonya's family don't worry." She laughed.

"Okay, have a good trip. Bye bye my love!" She ended the call.

They headed to the airport, Claire hadn't been here since summer last year and the reality of how big this place was struck her again.

All the sights and smells were overwhelming her, she felt sick in her stomach again. Nicole sat her down and decided to go grab breakfast for the rest of them.

"How are you feeling my little mustard?" Alia greeted her sitting next to her.

"Not you too! I'm feeling a little sick." She admitted.

"Here, drink some water." Alia handed a bottle of water to her. "And please eat whatever Nicole brings us!"

"I will, when do we have to check in?"

"Sonya checked us in online itself! We'll just grab a bite and then go to the counters for baggage."


Nicole was here with food for them all and a huge smoothie for Claire because she knew that the last thing Claire needed right now was solid food.

They boarded the flight, but the whole time Claire was nervous. She kept feeling like she was going to get caught and maybe face some bad consequences.

Luckily her fears didn't come true and she was on her way to England. A seven hour flight to a place that held answers to her future.

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