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He didn't say a word on the way back to the house. He didn't even look at his two older friends, frustration and shame filling his heart and head. Harry couldn't walk nearly as fast as them, and every time he tried, he would feel lightheaded and out of breath. All of the blood had rushed to his fingers, causing them to feel hot and full of pressure. He was almost numb everywhere else. Still sweating, feeling so hot.

"Why don't you go and take a nap or something, Harry?" Jj said once they were back home and Harry had gotten out of the shower, thoroughly drained. His lack of sleep was definitely catching up to him now, if it wasn't already before.

"I can't, Jide." Harry argued, sounding almost too similar to that of a whiny child.

"Why not? You don't have to do anything today, unless you want to come out to the recording studio tonight. You have plenty of time to rest."

"No it's just..."

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Fine, I'll go."

Harry couldn't stand the sight of his bed. The piece of furniture had quickly shifted from his favorite place in the house to his least favorite, the mere thought of it bringing him into a cold sweat. So, instead of sleeping on the bed, he took a risk and curled up on the couch, making certain he could hear the voices of Vikk, Tobi, and Simon, who were playing a game on the Nintendo Switch. When he heard their voices, he was at least assured that he wasn't alone. He was able to fall asleep quicker than he expected, though falling asleep had never been the tough part for him.

"Mate, wake up! Wake up! "

Harry felt warm hands on his shoulders, gently shaking him. He squinted, opening his eyes, slowly taking in his surroundings. Vikk was hovered over him, a look of concern on his innocent face, and Tobi was close behind him, eyes wide with concern. Harry's body came to life slowly, but surely, the nausea returning. He realized the clothes he had changed into after showering were now damp, and he was cold. He could barely feel his fingers and toes, which seemed so stiff they were about to break off. His heart was beating in loud palpitations, seeming to bounce off of every corner of his chest, bringing him discomfort. He felt panic build up in his jaw, causing his teeth to hurt.

"What's w-wrong, Vikk?" Harry asked through chattering teeth, unaware of how impaired his speech had become.

"Are you okay?" His eyes looked so wide and slightly frightened.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry."

"You're shivering. Are you cold?" Tobi asked, gently. Everything about Tobi was gentle. Everything about him was thoughtful.

"N-not really..." Harry said. "W-what happened?"

"It looked like you were having a nightmare or something." Tobi said as he put his hand on his friends forehead to feel if he had a temperature.

"Yeah, you were jerking around and muttering things. And you were gasping for breath, like you couldn't breathe." Vikk added.

"I'm o-okay. I g-guess it was just a nightmare."

"Are you sure? Maybe you should tell Josh about the stuff that's been happening, or maybe a doctor?" Tobi suggested.

"It's f-fine. Really."

Harry stood up, trying his best to hide his wobbliness, and walked back into the bathroom, assuming he might as well take his third shower of the day to at least wash the sweat off. He couldn't tell if he felt hot or cold. The inside of his body felt warm, but his skin had goosebumps. His cheeks were flushed. Something unsettling fell over his stomach and he gagged several times, settling on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest, staring up at the white ceiling. He had to do something about this. It was hell.

That was when he remembered the medication he had been prescribed during the drama within their group- the quick releasing anxiety medication he had been told would help control his nerves. Harry opened the medicine cabinet, pulling out the box and pulling out a blister pack filled with tablets. It would be okay to take one now, right? He felt so anxious. He just needed some sort of relief. He swallowed the small, rectangular pill, and stepped into the shower, using all of his effort to keep himself from gagging.

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