Erza turn to look at the clock it read 12.58; she had been tossing and turning in her bed but couldn't seem to get any sleep. Everything that has been going on the past couple of days just seems to not let her rest. She sighed.
Knock knock...
She sat up and look around at the empty room that's when she spotted a figure at a window. Erza recognised it pretty quickly; it was Jellal.
Opening the window and allowing him in she noticed that he look like he just came back from a long journey, he was wearing his usual long hood and was holding his belongings in his hand.
"Jellal, what are you doing here?"
"I have information on Gray's whereabouts,"
"That's great but it's one in the morning, why do you look like you just came back from a mission." She pointed at his bag.
"I did,"
"When did you leave for the mission we just came back,"
"I had to do something,"
"Whatever it is, it must be important, your eyes are red you need to rest we can talk about this in the morning,"
"About that..." She looked at him waiting for him to continue.
"I was hoping to stay with you for the night..." He said it quite calmly compared to racing heart.
"Sure," she answered simply.
"The sofa is over there," she didn't want to ask anymore, she felt bad for prying into his personal life last time. Jellal was glad she didn't ask anymore.
"STOP IT!!!!" They snapped their head towards the door.
"What the-"
"That sounds like Gray!" They both ran out of the room towards Juvia's room.
On the other side of the dorm Lucy what's up writing in her journal when she heard the loud bang.
"Ah!" It scared her making her drop her pen.
"What was that?"
"I don't know."
"Wanna go check it ou- WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" it was Natsu who answered Lucy, he was sleeping in her bed with Happy next to him.
"I was here the whole time, you should turn the light off I can't fall asleep." He pulled the blanket back up.
"No, you won't! Get out of here you jerk!" She tried to drag him out.
"Lucy your writing kind of stinks," Happy said as he read her papers.
"Put those down!"
"Why are you here?"
"It's cuz Natsu misses you," Happy teased.
"Shut it cat!" She looked over at Natsu who looked away and stayed quiet. His silence made her actually consider what Happy said.
"Y-you're... not..."
"With everything going on with Gray and the guild, I couldn't let stay by yourself,"
"There really is a thoughtful side to you," she smiled at him.
"What was that?"
"That Gray!" Natsu got up and ran out, with his sharp hearing, he found Erza and Jellal already there. Lucy and Happy right behind.
"Juvia!" Erza called.
"GRAY!!" Natsu broke the door down and found Juvia on the floor terrified and Gray was long gone.
"Juvia!" Lucy ran to her.
"Are you okay?" She was shaking and was breathing heavily.
"That bastard!" Natsu was just about to jump out.
"Don't" Jellal stopped him. "It's too dangerous to go out there on your own."
"What happens?" Levy and the others at the dorm had all heard the shouting and came.
"Gray was here," Erza told the others.
"Is she okay?" Mira asked. Wendy came to look at her.
"Ya, she's just a little shaken up."
"G-Gray-sama... he took the book," she held up her hand where she was holding on to one of the pages very tightly.
The morning came and everyone was informed of what happened.
Lucy, Levy, Juvia and Erza all sat in Lucy's room.
"Why are you all in my room again?" She was a little irritated.
"We are here to talk about Mavis, she told us not to give the book to anyone and here we are, it's gone and we don't know where."
"What about me," Mavis said.
"You came out of nowhere!" Levy blinked.
"Don't scare us like that," Lucy sighed.
"That wasn't my intention, but I'm glad to have found you all together, I came to talk to you about the book," the room went quiet.
They all looked at Erza for help, " I'm sorry to tell you this but the book was taken it was out of our hands, it was long gone when we got there, we couldn't do anything."
"I thought we would have time but it might be too late now." She looked away almost in tears.
"Could you tell us what was in the book," Juvia finally spoke up.
"I guess it time for me to tell you everything, I never imagined this day would come so soon." Everyone had leaned forward anticipating what she was about to say.
"You are the four maidens not by name but I choose all of you to fulfil the prophecy from 400 years ago. You didn't come to be friends by chance but everything leading to this moment was already written." She paused choosing her next words carefully.
"The black wizard Zeref, lived four hundred years ago he had an obsession with life and death that turned into a curse when he cast an incomplete dark spell it caused him to become immortal; through the year his obsession with life lost its meaning, you can't appreciate life without an end, he became heartless, emotionless and empty and that's when a naive girl sort to help him but that only cursed her more suffering than good, she had fallen for Zeref and wanted to become immortal so that they can live forever together but he was so far gone that he couldn't see what was right in front of him. He spent his time trying to find a way to end it all, he had created many creatures and demons in the hopes that they will end this miserable curse instead of doing what they were created for they wreak havoc upon the earth. As heartbroken as she was she had no choice but to stop him,"
"How can you stop someone who's immortal?" Levy asked.
"She sealed him away forever but a spell like that needs a cost and it was her life but the spell went wrong and instead of taking her life it took her mortal body and now she is a wondering spirit forever bound to this earth." Silence filled the room again.
Sniff... Lucy was in tears, "That's such a sad story, she fell in love with someone full of darkness while trying to help him but she was only hurt in the end, I read stories of fairy tales with happy endings but the reality is much more grim." She spoke sadly. Mavis only smiled sadly at her.
"Some fairy tales do come true like this guild for example do fairies have tails or do they even exist, but we all know that fairies do exist right, Erza?"
"It's you..." Erza said quietly.
"What do you mean?" Levy asked.
"When you spoke, it was like you were recalling a memory and not telling a story, I can see it in your eyes you, it's you, you're the girl that fall in love with Zeref."
"What!" The others shouting in shock.
"Mavis is what Erza saying true?" Juvia asked.
"It is, you really are gifted with the foresight of one's heart." She huffed in amusement.
"You all are gifted, like a spoken of before you all are part of a prophecy when Zeref was sealed away it was said that he will not stay sealed forever and one day will be released and I will not be able to seal him away but the four maidens will have the power to do it. Erza, I choose you because you have the heart of a warrior, you are brave, strong-willed and have an unwavering heart. You have the gift of the heart." She looked at Erza when she spoke.
"Lucy, you have the ability to shine in absolute darkness, you can bring hope to others in times of need and seem to have luck follow you everywhere. You are determined to push forward no matter, you have the gift of hope." She smiled at Lucy.
"Levy, you are a natural-born genius who has knowledge that goes beyond the universe, you are able to think fast in tough times and always look for the right path. You have the gift of the mind." She looked towards Levy.
"Juvia, you are a helpless romantic who smiles the brightest and is able to find love in places where there isn't, you are optimistic and always look for the good in others, your actions are always filled with emotion. You have the gift of love." She smiled at Juvia.
"Thank you, but Juvia would like to know what does that all mean?"
"How does the book play into this?" Levy questioned.
"The book is a preserved copy of Zeref's original book of spells some of the spells are incomplete which is why it's so dangerous and why I couldn't get near it. You four are the only ones able to stop this, we have already wasted a lot of time by know they could have already started the spell it requires the gathering of different items found in different parts of the world and must be done in a specific order or it can go wrong."
"There is no need to worry, Juvia still has a page from the book." She pointed to the page on Lucy's desk.
"That will buy us time but not for long we need to hurry before its too late."