Chapter 5: She's mine not yours?

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KAY! Hello :) I won't be posting in awhile because me and my mother aren't on good terms and she's taking my computer away in an hour and not giving it back to me till whenever she stops bitching...which could be tomorrow could be in a week. so I tried to get a chapter in.

This chapter contains a lot of Justin for Justin fans.

Chapter five: She's mine not yours?

Justin's POV:

I was staring at her with anger in my eyes, it wasn't really her fault I was mad, it was Leos. Yesterday he had to just go and make my bad day a lot worse by telling me that MY mate was his also. How could two werewolves mate with the same person? Was that even possible? I was pretty sure it wasn't.

Leo came into our apartment yesterday and started talking about how much he loved his mate. He just kept talking about her and it was driving me nuts. I tried to convince him he couldn't have loved her because he didn't know her. But he had to go start listing the few facts he knew about her. Of course one of those facts was her name. Skyler, he said was her name. And it took me a minute to run through all the girls names in the town were, and the only one with the name Skyler was the new girl. I was so angry yesterday I just lost it and ran out of there and shifted into my wolf form letting it run wild.

I couldn't help it, whether or not I wanted my mate, no one else could have her. It just pissed me off so much I thought of ripping off my best friends head. So to avoid murder I ran. I just ran around for hours and hours letting my beast free. I should have known where my wolf wanted to be, but it didn't register until I could smell her sent. I was outside the Cramer's house where I knew Skyler was living. I waited outside the house just looking at it hoping to see Skyler.

I mentally yelled at myself for letting myself control break. It wasn't good, I knew my wolf was growing more and more impatient to see her but I still hoped that the bond would fade. But I knew it hadn't considering I was even slowly started to feel what she was feeling.

Her feelings were pretty much the same, annoyance, worry, confusion and scared. It made me worry about her constantly but I didn't know how I could make her happy without getting directly involved.  That night I just stayed outside that house until the sun came up and I could feel her awaken. Then I ran back home and got changed. Leo had greeted me that morning and told me that Marv wanted to discus some pack business but I didn't want to see Skyler so I told him I couldn't.

And when I got to school and saw Leo with Skyler I couldn't hide my anger. I just glared at Leo hoping that my glare would burn him, which was a childish thought but I honestly hated him at that moment. I wanted to chop up his body and throw it to the sharks, or whatever would eat that gross filth. I know even as a wolf I wouldn't eat his body parts.

And now I was staring down into her beautiful blue green eyes, looking at her in anger. How could she let other males talk to her and laugh with her?  I wanted to rip off these boys head. I looked at my sister and gave her a 'we need to talk look'. She just flinched slightly and nodded. "Skyler Miller," I said annoyed.

"Yea pain in the ass director."  Skyler said carelessly.

I heard the table gasp around her but she didn't break eye contact. I had to give this chick credit, she was one touch cookie. "I'd like to talk to you in my office."

She sighed and nodded. "Okay." she stood up grabbed her  backpack that was at her feet and looked at me expectantly. But I was a loss for words, she eyes were so beautiful. "Yo." She said waving her hand in front of my face. "You wake."

I snapped out of my daze and looked at her, god did I hate her, I thought. But the other part of me said nope you like her, but that was the part I ignored. I grabbed her waving hand and squeezed it hard "Learn to respect me Miss. Miller or we are going to have more issues then we already have."

She winced slightly at the pain and looked at me with horror. I could feel how scared she was, but the undertones of those feelings were not towards me. She was not afraid of me, she was afraid of something else. I could see the emotions pass through her eyes, panic, fear, and remembrance.  But she soon snapped out of it and returned my glare. "Get your hands off me." She said. I did as she told me and walked out the lunch room.

When I couldn't feel her following me I turned and looked at her, she was glaring. I sighed slightly and said "Miss. Miller follow me." She did what I told her too and followed me out the lunch room.  Skyler it was time for you to feel payback for ruining my life.

Skyler's POV:

I followed him to his office feeling the anger radiate off his back. Damn did he remind me of my father these past few minutes. It scared me back in the lunch room when he grabbed my arm. It brought me back to the days when my father would grab my arm and then would follow with some painful blows to my stomach, my head, or whatever else he could hit.

When we got to his office he sat down behind his big desk and looked at me. "So you do know why you're here right?" he asked.

"Yea because you can't take a joke." I replied.

He smirked slightly but then soon hid it. "No because of your wise ass jokes." He snapped.

I just looked at me and said "So what's my punishment." I asked bored.

He smiled brightly and said "After school for a week with Leah."

Oh god. "Please can't you just kill me?" I asked, I did not want to deal with that bitch. "Can't I have clean up detention, 500 laps around the football field? Anything else?" I was desperate. I hated Leah.

"Nope. Good luck Miss. Miller." He said and that was it, my fate was sealed, and I was going to kill him.

"Oh, also early in the morning so get here at five." Damn I hated his guy in front of me.  

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two MatesWhere stories live. Discover now