Chapter 49 - A Friendly Ghost

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A shrill beeping from Tony's phone wakes you both. 

And for the first time, you wake up with Tony Stark. 

Bolting upright, startled by the loud alarm, you clutch the sheets to your chest as Tony leans over and grabs his phone from the nightstand.

"Bingo," he grumbles with a smile, leaping from bed and rushing over to his closet, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, not even bothering with boxers, before tossing the same to you.

"What the hell is going on?" you yawn, rubbing your eyes.

"Our ghost is in the system. They're nibbling at our bait let's go," Tony grunts eagerly.

Suddenly wide awake, you pull on the clothes Tony tossed your way. Grabbing your phone you chase after Tony as he dashes through his apartment to the elevator. He holds the door for you, and you slip in as the elevator travels down to the lab.

After the adrenaline rush in the apartment, you take a second to catch your breath as the elevator slowly descends.

Suddenly you feel a warmth in your right hand. Tony's fingers slip through yours and he gives it a gentle squeeze. You look down at your intertwined hands as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.

"Good morning," he says in a gruff morning voice.

"Morning," you answer, your cheeks growing rosy as you grapple with the strange feeling in your chest. The one that shouts simultaneously "closer" and "danger".

The moment the lift opens, Tony pulls you out and barges through the glass doors to the lab - all of the glass panels still frosted.

"All right let's see what we've got," Tony says, booting up his system.

You hover behind Tony, a single hand on his shoulder as he watches various pings and dots and lines light up across the various screens and holograms in front of him.

"Come on, don't be shy," he whispers.

"What are we looking for," you ask.

Tony points at a glowing icon on the screen to his right. "See that?" he asks. You nod. "We want that to disappear."

You both wait with baited breath, your eyes glued to the little icon. Several long minutes go by, and you begin to lose interest when Tony suddenly tenses.

"Yes! Right this way...follow the breadcrumbs, Hansel," he mumbles, leaning forward in his chair.

Your eyes scan the screen, looking for what he's seeing. But between all the flashing lights and symbols you can't tell what it is he's looking at. But he's growing excited. 

" close...YES!" Tony shouts, pushing back and spinning victoriously in his office chair.

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