Chapter Ten

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Zelda's Point of View

I didn't think this discussion would be this intense. With Link and Lander glaring at each other over the table, I felt overwhelmed and nervous, so my red, embarrassed face was facing the table, my eyes staring into it to avoid any eye contact with them.

This lasted for about five minutes before Lander cleared his throat and broke the eye contact. I looked up to see Link smirk widely in victory. What a child, I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, shall we discuss, now?" Lander had chuckled, but Link and I looked at each other. Our eyes met for a brief second, but I knew that brief look meant something. His look was soft and full of concern for me, showing his loving and caring side for a brief moment. As soon as he looked away, after that millisecond of a look, he glared at Lander and sat back, his arms crossed over his chest. I sat up and cleared my throat.

"Yes. I need to know what's going on." I exclaimed, almost with anger.

Lander smirked at me, his eyes travelling to my breasts quickly then back to my face. I almost gasped, but softly growled in the back of my throat. Link tensed, ready to protect me. I seriously loved him.

"Well, my dear, my troops wait right on Hyrule's border, this very second, waiting for my crucial order." Lander explained, and my hands clutched each other in my lap. Troops? Why was my old friend acting like this.

I looked at Link who looked at Lander, staring, daring him to make a move. In his eyes, he wasn't panicked. I could tell he was ready, and our own troops were preparing themselves for anything. I looked back at Lander, waiting for him to continue.

"Your Majesty, those troops, wait for my command, yes? And you're probably wondering why I would want to attack such a peaceful land? Trust me, I don't want to. But as a Prince, soon becoming a King, I need to extend my land for my people. As a man... I need a woman by my side. A Queen." Lander explained and I gulped. I knew where this was going...

"Miss Zelda, I am proposing to you, my dear. Be my wife, and we will rule Derain together. The land of Hyrule will become Derain land, and we will peacefully rule by each other's side." Lander explained, looking deeply into my eyes. "My Zelda..."

"Do not call her yours. You do not possess her." Link growled out loudly, pounding his fist onto the table. I flinched at the loud bang. The tension in the room skyrocketed and silence filled the room.

"If you do not accept... I will have to invade Hyrule and fight until you surrender." Lander whispered. "Old friend... I don't want to. Marry me, Zelda, and we'll love happily." Lander smiled.

I was so nervous, I began to physically shake. Link suddenly broke his intense glare at Lander and looked over at me. Lander did so as well. Was that sadistic bastard really caring for me? Who knows what he would do to me if he married me... But what about my people? My soldiers? And Link?

"I-I..." I squeaked and put my head in my hands. "Lander... P-Please let me think this over." I begged softly, looking up at him with tearful eyes. I could see Link's shocked eyes out of the corner of my eyes.

Lander sat back and thought about this. After a minute, he spoke.

"A week. I'll give you a week. I will be back again, with an army. And I will be watching. Do anything irrational, and I will destroy Hyrule. Carry on with your daily deeds. You will tell them all that this is solved." Lander explained and I nodded in agreement, staring at the table.

Lander stood. "One week. If you do not have an answer, I will invade." He whispered and left. I could feel Link's hard eyes trained on me.

Link's Point of View

I couldn't believe what Zelda had just done. She couldn't answer?! She knows I would fight for her! But we both know the size and strength of Lander's army, and that's what she was afraid of. She wanted the best for her people. She was a good princess. But I was still outraged at her, wanting to actually yell at her to get some sense into her.

I was about to speak, well, more like yell, when I could hear her soft cries. My anger suddenly left and I leaned over, hugging her tightly.

"Shh, my Zelda, it's all right." I cooed and she still cried. "Why didn't you decline? You aren't actually thinking of marrying him, are you?!" I suddenly growled, and she pulled away, looking at me.

"What was I suppose to do?! Our army is in no shape to fight! We will perish, Link!" Zelda yelled at me and I groaned.

"Zelda, we would be fine. Do you remember who you're dealing with? The man who took down hundreds upon hundreds of goblins with just a sword." I explained and got up. "If you marry that man, we won't be together. I can't stand it!" I screamed and kicked the chair over and at the wall, causing it to shatter into wooden parts. Zelda flinched and I shook my head.

Zelda got up and ran out of the room. I was so pissed at her, I didn't care right now. I walked in the opposite direction, going anywhere I wanted.


I ended up at a local bar in Hyrule. I was at least a few beers and a little tipsy. Alcohol didn't have much effect on me unless I had at least six to eight beers in me. I thought over the past events of today and I couldn't help but sigh. I needed to apologize to my love... But my anger was too strong now.

A few beers later, I hiccupped and smirked. I was really getting drunk now. The door opened and I looked over to see a familiar face.

Malon, from Lon Lon Ranch, to be exact. I watched, sitting back in my chair. She made eye contact with me and I smirked wider. I could see her blushing from here and I stood up, making my way over to her.

Malon stepped closer to me and we looked at each other for a moment.

"H-Hi..." Malon whispered.

"Hi. How are you, dear?" I cooed and stroked her hair behind her ear.

"I-I'm doing okay." Malon whispered and came closer to me. I just wanted to...

I leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek, feeling her warm cheek on his lips. Malon gasped.

I took her over to the bar where we had a few more drinks. I had no idea what I was doing by know. Muttering or something. I started to place my hands on her body, on her hips, and on her breasts.

It was so weird... So unreal... Like I was outside of my body. I began to kiss her deeply, things getting heavy before she touched my thigh. I immediately stopped and pushed myself away.

I couldn't... I couldn't do this. Zelda... I love Zelda. I got up and bowed.

"I'm sorry, Malon... Have a good night." I muttered and quickly made my way out.

On my way home, the deep guilt settled in. I cheated partly on Zelda. I groaned loudly, feeling horrible. Zelda and I were going to have to talk this out. We need a plan.

I also needed to get my hands on her. Kiss her... Hold her... And make love to her. Oh, how I yearned to make love to Zelda.

I smirked and chuckled, going into the castle. All of it would have to wait until tomorrow.

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